Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Todd Munger, the fix was in for the LDS Church and the creation of the Family Search Plat

Todd Munger went to BYU from 1987 -1991.

He began working for BYU in April, 1990 and was employed by BYU thru May of 2008, 18 years and 2 months.

No doubt Todd is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Todd currently works for the City of Lehi as the Public Works Director.  Todd along with Gary Smith (Chief Building Inspector for the City of Lehi) signed off on behalf of the Lehi City Council creating the Family Search Plat.

 Family Search Plat

What I am about to tell you is critically important.  Todd Munger signed his name on the creation of the Family Search site without ever attending a single recorded meeting discussing the Family Search site.  Todd signed his name to the creation of the plat without knowing anything about it!


Can you say the fix was in.  Todd went to BYU, worked for BYU and is more than likely a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  He signed a document he knew nothing about BECAUSE the Family Search site, a single lot subdivision is owned by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  A Church where Todd is a member and where he worked and where he went to college.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm, do you think Todd put the interest of the Church he is a member of before his civic responsibility to the citizens of Lehi??????????? Of course he did.

In FACT, when I questioned Todd about signing off on the creation of the Family Search site, a site he knew nothing or very little about.  He indicated he signed off on the site because it was a LDS Church project and every thing the LDS Church did was first class.

So there you have it.  Todd Munger, Public Works Director and Gary Smith, Chief Building Inspector signed off on the creation of the Family Search site without any recorded input from the Lehi City Council or the Lehi Planning Commission, both of which normally sign off on the creation of a subdivision. What are they doing signing off on a subdivision, that is the responsibility of DRC, planning commission and city council, not a public works director and building inspector.

I have asked the City of Lehi to provide me with the names of any other subdivisions that Todd and Gary signed off on behalf of the Lehi City Council. To date, they have refused to provide me with any names, probably, because there are no other subdivisions that Gary and Todd have signed off on.

I have asked the City to verify that the signature on the Family Search site is indeed Todd's and they have refused to confirm or deny that the signature on the Family Search plat is actually Todd's and not a robo signature, which I contend.  I have asked Todd to verify his signature and he also refuses to provide me evidence that the signature on the Family Search site is his actual signature and not a robo signature.

I do not know if Gary Smith is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  But if he is, it is further evidence the fix was in for the creation of the Family Search plat without any input from the Lehi City Council, Planning Commission or Lehi Citizen input.

This was all done in secret!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Church did not want the citizens of Lehi knowing what they were doing.
The City of Lehi did not want the citizens of Lehi knowing what they were doing.

This project was meant to be hidden from the public and the City of Lehi was more than willing to accommodate the LDS Church in keeping the creation of the Family Search site a secret. Thus the reason Todd Munger and Gary Smith signed off on the Family Search site. That way they would be no public discussion, no public notice and no public involvement.  The LDS Church could create a subdivision without anyone knowing anything about it. That is truly disturbing and unbelievable.

To top it off, the Family Search site is recorded improperly at Utah County.  It should be recorded using metes and bounds and not as a plat.

Here is the relevant code:


Section 28.080. Development Approvals and Permits.

 The lots in a minor subdivision will be divided by a metes and bounds document rather than a plat.
 See Wikipedia description of a plat vs metes and bounds below.

Todd Munger and Gary Smith should not have signed off on the creation of the Family Search site.
The plat is recorded improperly at the Utah County.

The fix was in on the creation of the Family Search site for a number of different reasons, but one in particular that is most obvious.  Can you guess what it is?

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Todd Munger, shame on you for signing off on the creation of the Family Search site.  Just because you are a member of the LDS Church, went to college at the LDS Church University and worked for them for over 18 years does not give you the right to put the interest of the LDS Church before the citizens of the City of Lehi. Your civic responsibility trumps your church membership. You had no business signing off on this subdivision, a subdivision you knew nothing about just because you were a church member.

I have told the City of Lehi a number of times to fix the error in their recording at Utah County using the designation of a plat vs metes and bounds, they just don't seem to care. This must be done!

What does that say about the City of Lehi and those who work for the City?  They will do whatever it takes to put through a development by the LDS Church that nobody wants.

What organization in their right mind takes a perfectly good PGA caliber driving range and destroys it and replaces it with a commercial development?  INSANE!

Worse than a perfectly good driving range being destroyed is the FACT that 10's of thousands of cars will be added to residential streets each week.

The health, safety and long term welfare of the citizens who live in the area is being put at risk so a multi billion dollar developer can build more commercial office space.

Commercial buildings do not belong in a residential neighborhood!!! There is plenty of space for this project east of the rail road tracks where ALL the other commercial development has taken place.

Shame on you LDS Church.  Your selfish interest is hurting all those who live in the area.

Plat - A plat (/ˈplæt/[1] or /ˈplɑːt/)[2] in the United States (plan or cadastral map) is a map, drawn to scale, showing the divisions of a piece of land. United States General Land Officesurveyors drafted township plats of Public Lands Surveys to show the distance and bearing between section corners, sometimes including topographic or vegetation information. City, town or village plats show subdivisions into blocks with streets and alleys. Further refinement often splits blocks into individual lots, usually for the purpose of selling the described lots; this has become known as subdivision.
After the filing of a plat, legal descriptions can refer to block and lot-numbers rather than portions of sections.[3] In order for plats to become legally valid, a local governing body, such as a public works department, urban planning commission, or zoning board must normally review and approve them.

Metes and bounds - Metes and bounds is a system or method of describing land, real property (in contrast to personal property) or real estate. The system has been used in England for many centuries, and is still used there in the definition of general boundaries. By custom, it was applied in the original Thirteen Colonies that became the United States, and in many other land jurisdictions based on English common law.[1]
Typically the system uses physical features of the local geography, along with directions and distances, to define and describe the boundaries of a parcel of land. The boundaries are described in a running prose style, working around the parcel in sequence, from a point of beginning, returning to the same point; compare with the oral ritual of beating the bounds. It may include references to other adjoining parcels (and their owners), and it, in turn, could also be referred to in later surveys. At the time the description is compiled, it may have been marked on the ground with permanent monuments placed where there were no suitable natural monuments.
  • Metes. The term "metes" refers to a boundary defined by the measurement of each straight run, specified by a distance between the terminal points, and an orientation or direction. A direction may be a simple compass bearing, or a precise orientation determined by accurate survey methods.
  • Bounds. The term "bounds" refers to a more general boundary description, such as along a certain watercourse, a stone wall, an adjoining public road way, or an existing building.

1 comment:

  1. Todd Munger was a classmate of mine in high school in Great Falls, Montana. GFHS Class of 1979. I’m shaking writing this. Todd: before I write what you did to me and subsequently tried to apologize to me for and begged my forgiveness for 2 years later, I’ll let you contact me to discuss privately. 44 years later.
