Sunday, April 10, 2016

Appeal of Lehi Planning Commission approval of the Thanksgiving Point Office Site Plan

On March 24, 2016 the Lehi City Planning Commission approved, The Thanksgiving Point Office Site Plan, I am appealing that decision and requesting that you reverse the decision or at minimum, put that decision on hold until the following questions and concerns have been addressed.

(This is a long document)

Executive Summary

This appeal will cover the following subjects (not in order as listed)

The creation of the Family Search Plat is suspect and recorded improperly at Utah County.

Thanksgiving Village is adjacent and borders the Family Search Plat, thus any building cannot exceed 35 feet or 2 stories.

There is insufficient parking to support both a 135,000 square feet office building and a 22,400 square feet church. This is a violation of code.

The church has violated the special warranty deed they signed with Beesmark and the city has a moral and ethical
Responsibility to make sure the developers we allow in the city do not violate any warranty deeds they have signed.

In addition, why would the city not hold the church accountable to adhere to the warranty deed exactly as it is written?

The church has violated numerous Lehi City codes are outlined in Chapter 28.

The health, safety and welfare of the residents of the city of Lehi are put in danger with increased traffic and congestion and it is only a matter of time before someone is injured or dies from streams of cars traveling in residential neighborhoods where children play in their front yards.

The Thanksgiving Point Architectural Review board has not signed off on the project.

The traffic study that needs to be done has not been done and the traffic study that was done shows traffic at an F grade.

There is not power to the site. Engineering has not started off on the design, cost associated with the construction and implementation have not been calculated.  We as a city cannot begin to approve projects where we don’t know what the cost of the infrastructure improvements will be.

DRC still has a number of large concerns about this project that have not yet been addressed.

The residents in the area have been harmed not only financial but their way of living will forever be changed by swapping a driving range for a massive 135,000 square foot office building, a 22,400 square foot church and enough parking for close to 500 cars.

10 -15 thousand additional vehicle trips will come and go from this complex each and every day crowding an already congested area of town.

Those working for the City are NOT adhering to and enforcing City code EXACTLY as it is written.

David Harkness who serves as the President and CEO of Beesmark to my understanding also serves on the Thanksgiving Point Architectural Review board.  This conflict of interest does not allow him to be objective when viewing the proposed plans presented to Thanksgiving Point by the church.  David Harkness is also the person responsible for informing the church that they are in violation of the special warranty deed they signed and agreed to.

The residents of Thanksgiving Village and me personally will be harmed by the creation of this project and especially for the increase in traffic, noise, light and pollution.

Comment:  My wife who has cancer, her life will be put in jeopardy if this project is allowed to be built. If my wife spikes a fever of 100.5, she needs to be rushed to the emergency room, every minute counts.  Currently at rush hour, it can take upwards of 25 – 30 minutes to travel 1 mile from our home to the freeway.  If you add an additional 500 + cars leaving at rush out on Garden Drive going towards the freeway on Club House Drive or heading South on Garden Way, we can expect those travel times to get worse. My wife’s life is at stake and the increase in traffic may cost her the opportunity to get to an emergency room in time. What is the cost of a life?  There are several elderly people in this neighborhood who share the same concern about the increase in traffic this project will create.

Request:  I request the Board of Adjustments reverses the approval decision made by the planning commission. That does not mean that the applicant can’t bring forward a new revised amended corrected application where they are in compliance with the special warranty deed, the development meets Lehi City code exactly as it is written and city employees and officials have had time assess the project and traffic situation in more detail.

This project is unique.

Question?  What was the rush in approving the project?  I believe the planning commission prematurely approved a project that still has way too many questions and concerns that needed to be addressed before they approved the project.  It is my understanding that ONE of the reasons the planning commission approved the application was due to timing of when the church would like to begin construction.  The city most certainly MUST NOT approve project on a developer’s schedule.  I have been informed the church wants to start construction the early part of May.

At the end of this appeal is a letter I sent to the planning commissioner’s prior to the planning commission meeting on March 24, 2016.  The commissioner’s felt no need to review my letter or give me an opportunity to speak. I believe careful review of the letter I sent them would be helpful.

The bases of my appeal are numerous and as follows:

The proposed office development DOES NOT meet Lehi City Code, chapter 28, section 28.070 – Development Standards (See attached explanation)

The proposed office development if allowed to be built IS adjacent to the Thanksgiving Point neighborhood and any development should not exceed 35 feet in height or 2 stories.  (See attached explanation)

Development Review Comments ignored by the Planning Commission decision.

DRC meeting December 2, 2015 Kim stated; “with the office and stake center building, the site NEEDS to be designed such that the overall development is cohesive.  EXTERIOR MATERIALS AND COLORS NEED TO COORDINATE. 

The external materials and colors of the proposed commercial office building and LDS Stake Center DO NOT match or coordinate. The commercial office building, the colors, design and final look has not been presented as yet.  Architectural drawings and renderings of the commercial office building have not been produced.  Architectural drawings and renderings of the LDS Stake Center have not been provided.  There is NO WAY to tell if the exterior materials and colors coordinate.
Same meeting, December 2, 2015

Todd Munger– Public Works:  Two traffic signals are warranted for this project as per the traffic study. 
According to Ross Dinsdale, these traffic signals are only in the discussion phase and may never get built and if they do get built, there construction will be years away.
Kelly Ash who sits on the Planning Commission is a traffic engineer.  He indicated this project would create 10 – 15 thousand new cars traveling on Lehi Residential streets.  He voted NO to approving the new Thanksgiving Point Office Site.

In a DRC meeting on January 27th, 2016, the critical issue that was cited that before this project can proceed, final traffic report will be REQUIRED to determine which improvements will be completed.  To date this traffic study has NOT been completed.
The current traffic study done by the church reported the current traffic is at an F grade.  The city has NO plans to improve traffic conditions which would be completed any time soon. This project would increase traffic conditions to an extreme level creating enormous backups and jeopardizing the health, safety and welfare of those who live on the residential streets impacted by the new office building.

I believe the Planning Commission jumped the gun in approving this project. Not to say this project couldn’t be approved in the future. For right now, it needs to be put on hold and the approval overturned.

In that same meeting Glade from Power said the following (this has been reported in nearly every DRC meeting since this project began) – Under current conditions the circuits feeding the proposed area have NO AVAILABLE CAPACITY. Until further review and system improvements are designed and or in place WE ARE UNABLE TO SERVE THIS PROJECT.

To date, the design of a new power structure has not even begun. The cost associated incurred by the city has not been determined.  The implementation of when the new power substation would be built has not be determined or even discussed. Currently, if the project were to be built, there would be no power to the proposed office building.

This project needs to be put on hold until a design has been created, cost of implementation and to the city has been determined and the installation of the new power substation has occurred.

Ross indicated in that same meeting:  Provide a traffic study which should address: site access (recommend one way in, one way out on the central two accesses) access spacing from Desert Forest Lane, traffic impacts to the bridge at Club House Drive, traffic impacts on Garden Drive, 2150 North and the intersection at 2300 W.

To date, this has not been done and I don’t know if it is even in the works to getting done.

Ross did indicate in the planning commission meeting that UDOT and the City began talks on Monday March 21st, three days before the meeting.  If anything ever gets done, it will be years away which will mean the traffic at the intersection of 2300 and 2150 will be a disaster for years to come.

This project needs to be put on hold until a traffic study has been done by the City to show the impact of this project on that intersection and the residential roads where traffic is at 25 mph.

Same meeting:  Provide an engineer’s cost estimate for the final cost of all improvements.

This has not been done.  The city should never enter into a project without first fully knowing what it is going to cost call the city to implement.

Same meeting and most of the other meetings:  Approval from Thanksgiving Point Architectural Review Committee on the design of the building, parking, lighting and landscaping.

To date, the TPARC has not given their approval and there are several sticking points that first need to be addressed before final approval is given.

It is premature to approve the Thanksgiving Point Office complex before ALL issues, cost and approvals are complete.

February 10th meeting and in subsequent meetings as well, Kim stated the following:  The TP control guidelines call for 3.5 trees per 1000 square feet of building. The current landscape plan shows 535 trees. Based upon the building square footage of 156,880 (office and church), 546 trees would be needed. 

VCBO has failed to show new landscaping designs for the project.

Same meeting:  The TP Architectural control guidelines for 9’ x 20’ size parking stalls with 25’ aisles. The site plan either needs to be adjusted to meet these standards or otherwise approved by the TPARC.

This has not been done.

July 22, 2015 Kim from DRC stated:  The Resort Community Development Standards (section 28.070) state that flat roofs shall be avoided. Recommend considering additional architectural features to break up the roofline.

This has not been done


January 27, 2016 DRC meeting
On the parking requirement, the TP control guidelines call for 4.5 stalls per 1000 square feet of leasable building space. For 135,000 square feet, this would be 607 stalls unless otherwise approved by the TPARC. Lehi’s standard is 3.3 stalls per 1000 square feet of gross floor area. In addition, the church would require 1 stall for every 4 seats in the assembly hall area. Provide information on how many seats are in the assembly area. The current plan shows a total of 510 parking stalls. Either additional parking would be required or the TPARC needs to allow approval based upon Lehi City’s standard vs the ARC guidelines.

In the application put forward by VCBO, they indicate that they now have only 497 parking stalls in total between the office and church.

Parking is a major concerned and written approval by the TPARC and or the city of Lehi has not been done.

It would be premature to approve a project where a critical issue such as parking has not been finalized.  Parking could potential determine the footprint of the Thanksgiving Point office building.

It is my contention that the project has insufficient parking to meet the needs of both a 135,000 square foot office building and 22,400 square foot church building.

Special Warrant Deed Ignored

The Planning Commission punted when the subject of the Special Warranty Deed was mentioned and for good reason. By honoring the language in the Special Warranty Deed, this project as designed could NEVER be approved.  The Special Warranty Deed signed by the Corporation of the Presiding Bishop of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and Beesmark LLC has very specific language.  I have included with this application for appeal a copy of the language in the signed contract along with my analysis.  In short, the language and contractual agreement between the church and Beesmark reads in part,

“Grantee (the LDS Church) will maintain a family search and discovery center in the building located closest to the southern border of the property consisting of at least 6,000 square feet and that is open to the general public.  The purpose and intent of the foregoing covenant is to ENSURE that grantee (the LDS Church) will operate the property in a manner mutually beneficial to grantor (Thanksgiving Point) and grantee. “

As the project sits today, the church has proposed building a Stake Center on the southern border of the property and a 135,000 square foot office building on the northern border of the property, both of which are in VIOLATION of the Special Warranty Deed signed by the church and Beesmark, LLC.

It is my assertion that the City has a duty, obligation and right to require a developer to honor a contractual commitment they made to secure the property. Morally and ethically they are required to protect the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the city of Lehi.  By allowing a developer to renege on their contractual commitment, they put every citizen at risk.  If a developer says they are going to build a charter school and commits to building a charter school in a Special Warranty Deed and then submits an application with the city to build a strip mall. The city has a responsibility to its citizens to make sure the developer honors their contractual commitment to build a charter school.  In this case, a 6000 square foot Family Search and Discovery Center is a far cry from a massive 4 story, 135,000 square foot office complex and a 22,400 square foot Stake Center.

The city has a responsibility to its citizens to not approve this development until the developer is honors their contractual commitment to build a Family Search and Discovery Center on the southern border of the property.

Interim Summary

So far, I believe this plan is contrary to the public interest. This plan puts the health, safety and welfare of the citizens at risk. The developer has blatantly disregarding the Lehi City building standards as outline in chapter 28,  section 28.070, has insufficient parking for the project, all design, cost and implementation needed to be done by the city has not been done. In addition, the TPRAC has not approved the project, city engineers have not completed their traffic study and there is NO power to the project and the design, cost and implementation of the power requirements to the project have not been done.

This property is UNIQUE in that it is still currently a driving range used by the Thanksgiving Point golf course.  The driving range was carved out by the sale of the property from Beesmark to the Church. There is no other property similar to this in the city of Lehi. This is a one of a kind property.  This would be the one and only commercial building west of the railroad tracks. This building would be one of the largest building in the Thanksgiving Point area if not the largest, sitting within a few hundred feet of a residential community.  Most residents who bought and paid a premium price for their homes because of their location to the golf course are not detrimentally impacted by having a massive office building next to their homes.  No one could have ever anticipated that the Thanksgiving Point Driving Range would one day be converted into a massive office complex and a church building. Form the research I have done, this would be a first in the nation for this type of transition.

Already one of the homes in our neighborhood sold and the homeowner took less money for their home because of the proposed office building.

This area of town and those who live in this area are severely harmed by the increase in traffic on our residential streets.  The safety of the children who play in our neighborhoods is in jeopardy by cars whizzing by our homes.  City engineers admit that traffic in and around the Thanksgiving Point area and which will be created by this project will harm cause additional congestion, frustration and anger, they just don’t have a plan to solve the current traffic nightmare that exist.

Unlike other properties in the zoning district, this project is literally right on top of the Thanksgiving Village residents.  Noise, light, air pollution, traffic are all detrimental to those who live near this proposed commercial office development.  Where once a driving range sat, a commercial office complex will now sit. Where once we had the pristine grass and tranquility of the driving range, we will now have a massive office building with 10’s thousands of cars crowding our streets.  The hustle and bustle of cars and people is not what anyone in the Thanksgiving Village HOA expected. 

This project should be built east of the railroad tracks, like every other commercial office building.

Family Search Plat improperly recorded

In addition to all the concerns listed above.  The Family Search Plat is improperly recorded at Utah County. The Family Search Plat cannot be recorded as a plat, but must be recorded using metes and bounds.  (I have attached an explanation with is appeal). In short, the language in Chapter 28 clearly state that a subdivision within the resort community MUST be recorded using metes and bounds and NOT a plat.  This subdivision must be re-recorded using the proper designation. Words have meeting and the code is clear.  The Family Search Plan CANNOT be recorded as a plat. 

This alone should disqualify it from approval.

Heath, Safety and Welfare

Lastly, this project will greatly impact the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the city of Lehi. (See attached).

Literal enforcement of the zoning district provisions of this Code would cause an unreasonable hardship for the applicant not necessary to carry out the general purpose of the zoning district or this Code.

Absolutely YES

There are special circumstances attached to the property that do not generally apply to other properties in the same zoning district. No finding of special circumstances shall be made unless they relate to the hardship complained of and deprive the property of privileges available to other properties in the same zoning district.

Absolutely YES

The variance is essential to the enjoyment of a substantial property right possessed by other property in the district.

Absolutely YES

The granting of the variance will not substantially affect the goals, objectives, policies or standards of the General Plan and will not be contrary to the public interest.

The spirit of the requirements and provisions of this Code will be observed and substantial justice done.

This project breaks all sorts of Lehi City Code, breaks a contractual commitment the developer made with the seller, violates the morals, ethics and standards of all those concerned, is detrimental to the safety, health and welfare of the citizens of Lehi and justice would be done if the project was put on hold at this time.

In the Utah League of Cities and Towns Powers and Duties, a Handbook for Utah Municipal Officials (used at the city of Lehi), it states on page 121, paragraph 2 (Basic Legal Issues for Land Use Control);


This project requires that those who work for the city loosen the grip of their morals to approve a project where the developer has violated the terms of the sale of the property. For each of those involved in this decision, they must make a moral decision to honor the language in the special warranty deed or to look the other way, still knowing that the developer is in violation of the Special Warranty Deed they signed.  The Board of Adjustments must also make a moral and legal decision to allow a development that clearly breaks and violates city code, violates the special warranty deed signed by the developer, puts the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Lehi at risk and impacts and harms those who live, work and visit the Thanksgiving Point area.

This project is contrary to the public interest!

The last point I would like to bring up is the creation of the Family Search Plat (should be recorded by metes and bounds). The Family Search Plat creation circumvented normal subdivision procedures. 

Creation of a Subdivision

In the Utah League of Cities and Towns handbook page 143 – Subdivision Ordinances, paragraph 4, it lays out the process by which a subdivision is created. 

“The process to enact a subdivision ordinance is a two-step process. The planning commission is REQUIRED to prepare and recommend a proposed ordinance to the city council.  The planning commission must hold a public hearing on the proposed ordinance before making its final recommendation to the city council.  The city council does not have to hold a public hearing but it may if it wishes.  Notice of the public hearing must be mailed to each affected entity and posted in at least three public locations within the city or town or posted on the city or town’s official website at least ten calendar days before the public hearing.  Notice of the public hearing must also be published in a newspaper or general circulation and on the Utah Public Notice Website at least ten calendar days before the public hearing; or it can be mailed to each property owner whose land is directly affected and to each adjacent property owner if the city or town has adopted an ordinance to that effect. 

The city or town council may adopt or reject the ordinance as proposed by the planning commission or it may revise the recommended ordinance and then adopt it as amended.”

Step one:  Planning Commission review.
Step two:  City council review.

In the case of the Family Search Plat, either the planning commission or city council review the plat before the plat was approved.  The creation of the Family Search Plat was signed off and created by the signature of someone from the public works department and a building inspector. 

There was no notice given to the public, no review by the planning commission or city council, no public hearings, no involvement or notice to those impacted by the creation of the new subdivision.  The only two people involved in signing off and creating the new subdivision were city employees. 

This is highly unusual and it is my understanding this is the ONLY subdivision signed off by these two individuals.  Every other subdivision created in the city of Lehi goes through the DRC, planning commission, city council and most importantly the public. 

This was not the case here.

Now to be fair, chapter 28 of the Lehi City Code does allow a representative of the public works department and a building inspector to sign off on the creation of the subdivision (remember, this is the only subdivision created this way) if the following conditions apply:

Section 28.080. Development Approvals and Permits.

Following the establishment of a Resort Community
Zone, and approval and adoption of an Area Plan by the
City Council, the applicant may prepare and submit
application(s) for development approval including subdivision
and site plan approval pursuant to Chapter 11,
Application Requirements, of this Code with the exceptions
to the review and approval procedures as noted
below. The Applicant must make a complete submittal
according to the requirements specified in Chapter 11
and the City’s current application form(s) prior to the
review of any development request by the City.

Minor subdivisions. Subdivision review and
approval may be granted by the Chief Building Official
and Public Works Director if ALL of the following
provisions apply:
(a) The subdivision includes less than ten (10) lots. (Which it is, it is only 1 lot)
(b) The subdivision DOES NOT require the construction
Of ANY public improvements or the dedication of any public right of way.
The Preliminary and Final Plans shall be submitted
and reviewed simultaneously, and the Chief Building
Official and Public Works Director are designated
by the City Council as the officers having
Authority, on behalf of the City Council, to approve
and sign the final Document(s). The lots in a minor
Subdivision will be divided by a metes and
Bounds document rather than a plat. The Chief
Building Official or the Public Works Director
may request input from the DRC, Planning Commission,
City Council or other City staff as deemed
necessary. The requirement for a public hearing
and noticing shall be waived for all minor subdivisions.

Let’s take a look at this briefly.
The Public Works Director and Chief Building Official DID NOT request input from DRC, Planning Commission or City Council. This is highly unusual.  No recorded meetings of any of these people or groups of people meeting to discuss the issue.

The lot IS NOT divided by metes and bounds and IS recorded as a Plat, contrary to the language in the code.

The subdivision DOES require the construction of a public improvement.  Numerous city and church officials and employees have said that in order for this project to advance, two stoplights will need to be erected.

Here is Todd Munger (Public Works Director who signed off on the project) in a DRC meeting, December 2, 2015.
“Two traffic signals are warranted for this project as per the traffic study, note locations as Club House Drive and Executive and 2150 N and 2300 W.”

Todd Munger who signed off on the creation of the Family Search Plat stated and in a public meeting was recorded as saying that two traffic signals are warranted.

Numerous other city employees and church officials have repeated the same claim that two traffic signals are not only warranted but are necessary for this project to be built.

If two traffic signals are warranted and necessary, they are considered a public improvement and the Chief Building Inspector and Public Works Director should not have signed off on the creation of the Family Search Plat.

The Family Search Plat should have gone through normal procedure,

Planning Commission
Final approval by City Council

Public input and public notices would have been involved and the creation of the Family Search Plat would not have been created in secret.

It should be noted that Todd Munger did not involve anyone in making his decision to sign off on the document that created the Family Search plat. 
The travesty here is that there was no notification to the public and any public comment or input.

A second travesty occurred when the planning commission voted on approving the Thanksgiving Point Office Park.  Steve Ross would NOT allow comment on the project by anyone from the community prior to the vote.  I requested an opportunity to speak and was denied that opportunity.

The creation of the Family Search Plat had no public notice or involvement.

The concept plan approved by the planning commission had no public notice or involvement.

The approval of the Thanksgiving Point Office Development had no public notice or involvement.

This project has had no public notice or involvement, unlike any other approval of a subdivision or approval of any office building.

This is highly unique and offensive to those who are harmed by this project.  We have had no voice, no notice, and no involvement in what the final outcome of this project would be in the Lehi City Chambers.  We have been able to speak with church representatives independent of the city.

The mere fact that Todd Munger who signed off on the creation of the Family Search Plat knowing full well that there would need to be public improvements should disqualify the approval the planning commission granted on March 24, 2015.
City code is city code. Every word in the city code must be adhered to and followed EXACTLY as it is written.  We as members of the community don’t get to pick and choose which laws we will obey and if we do and we break the law and get caught, we suffer the consequences.

David Harkness President/CEO Beesmark, LLC

Interesting note:  Mr. David Harkness is the President and CEO of Beesmark, LLC. Mr. Harkness would be responsible for notifying The Corporation of the Presiding Bishop of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints that they are in violation of the Special Warranty Deed they signed. Mr. David Harkness is also on the Thanksgiving Point Architectural Review Committee.  The TPARC signs off on the design of the building, parking, lighting and landscaping. The fact that Mr. Harkness serves in these two capacities is a conflict of interest.  If he is not going to suggest to the church that they comply with the special warranty deed, he most certainly is going to do everything he can to make sure the church gets the building they want, even if it violates Lehi City code. There is no way he could be impartial when he serves in both capacities.

One last note that briefly shows you what is going on at city hall.

I have enclosed with this packet of a copy of Chapter 28 governing resort communities.

I would like to point out several areas of Chapter 28 that are not being enforced or adhered to by the City or Thanksgiving Point.
This is a major problem. The City MUST start enforcing city code EXACTLY as it is written. They cannot pick and choose what code they will enforce and what code they will ignore. ALL CODE must be adhered to and enforced!

For years those working for, appointed and elected officials at the City of Lehi have ignored provisions in the Lehi City code. They have chosen to ignore provisions of the code that are harmful to the residents of the city of Lehi. This practice MUST stop and the city MUST enforce the code as written.  Here are just a couple examples of where the City has not enforced the code exactly as it is written.

Chapter 28 (attached)

Section 28.010 Purpose and Intent

Subsection C. Capture previously unreachable tax revenues by providing an incentive and attraction for business owners outside the State to locate in the new destination community of Lehi City. (Many of the companies located in Thanksgiving Point are from within the State.

Subsection F.  Support public service entities such as Police and Fire Departments by dedicating land or utilizing space within the Resort community Zone at no cost to the City. (Thanksgiving Point has not done this and the City has not requested they do this)

Subsection D. Enhance local property values by creating a property use zone that is completely unique to the State and surrounding States, and that attracts world-class business operators. 

Commercial office buildings are not unique to the state or surrounding states.  Church buildings are not unique to the state or to the surrounding states. There is no evidence one way or another that local property values have been enhanced. Evidence has shown that in one local property sale, the price was reduced as a result of this project being announced. The purchaser was able to use the new development as leverage to get a lower price for the home they were buying. So in that case the property value was reduced, not enhanced.

Here is an email I sent to an attorney for the City of Lehi.
Subject: RE: Legislative Body Question
Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2015 13:05:23 -0600
Here are a couple of other questions I have for the City Manager, Attorney, City Council and Mayor.
Chapter 28. Section 07.050  Public support REQUIREMENTS
Read this section very carefully, note the word SHALL THEREFORE.  This has not happened and is required, what is the CITY doing about this, why aren't they or why haven't they demanded this from the resort community land owners? I suggest no further development take place until section 07.050 is in compliance.  In my opinion, the CITY has overlooked this issue of the code.  If you are going to overlook this issue of the code, is it possible you can overlook other issues of the code or not enforce other issues in the code or ignore them or look at them in a matter that is consistent with the outcome you desire?
Section 28.010
C.  Capture previously unreachable tax revenue by providing and incentive and attraction for business owners and retail operators FROM OUTSIDE THE STATE to locate in the new destination community of Lehi City.  Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't FamilySearch a Utah based company.  Please know that if you don't enforce the entire Chapter 28 code document, you may not be able to enforce any of it.  You can't pick and choose what you want.  The code is the code; you MUST follow it to the letter of the law (code). 
D.”maintaining a HARMONIOUS RELATIONSHIP, AND WHILE PROTECTING THE HEALTH, SAFETY, AND LONG TERM WELFARE OF THE COMMUNITY."  There are so many issues surrounding this that an entire book could be written and probably will when it comes to discovery and depositions.  Everyone who lives, works, plays and visits the Thanksgiving Point area knows of the concerns of health, safety and welfare.  If you allow this to go forward, you cannot in good conscious say that there is not a single health, safety or welfare concern and you are put on notice that the first time any child is injured in any way, the city may be held liable. I as a taxpayer do not want the City on the hook for potential lawsuits and payouts because someone decided they wanted two large office buildings on a DRIVING RANGE.  Watch out for this provision, this will probably come back to haunt the City.
E.  ENHANCE LOCAL PROPERTY VALUES.  I would like to remind you that in order for you to ignore this provision of the code, the residents of all the neighborhoods will want some type of written legal assurance that our property values WILL INCREASE.  If are property values decrease, what is our remedy with the City, are you on the hook?  I will suggest everyone get an appraisal of their property and hold that for future use. The property value of one home that went through a sale just last week was DECREASED because of the pending concept plan put forth by the Church.  The purchaser used the proposed concept plan as leverage to lower their original offer.  Here we see evidence that property values may and more than likely decrease in value, not increase as specified in the code. You can't just ignore this, this MUST be visited in your meetings, discussed and you MUST make a determination that the property values will be enhanced.  Are you willing to guarantee that by your vote?  Who do we hold liable and accountable for the decrease in property values? Please be prepared to explain your position in writing and justify your position that our property values will be enhanced. To date, just with the discussion of the concept plans, property values went down!
F. Support public service entities such as the Police and Fire Department by DEDICATING land or utilizing certain space within the Resort Community Zone at no cost to the City.  Has this happened, is there a plan for this to happen, when will this happen and how, by whom.  This to my knowledge has not happened and until it does, I recommend you not allow any further development until the resort community is brought into compliance.  You can't simply ignore the provisions of the code you do not like and enforce other provisions that are in your best interest.  The code is written to protect the developer as well as the citizens of Lehi; one is not exclusive of the other.  Who enforces the code and why haven't they enforced these provisions? I believe building and development of the entire resort community be curtailed until the code is enforced to the letter of the law.  
When did the city council adopt/approve the Resort Community designation in the Thanksgiving Point area.  Please provide me with specific dates of review, public notice, hearing, planning commission review, hearing, City council review, and hearing.
Section 28.030 section B
I would like to know the current mix of non-resort commercial, business and resort residential use (exactly) today and with projects that anywhere in the works.  Let’s make sure we have not exceeded any of the limitations as they are set forth.  We need and want to know the exact acreage of the current mix and the exact acreage with ALL development plans currently under construction as well as those that are in some sort the development process. This is a critical calculation and one that must be made before any further development happens in the resort community.
Thank you, that is it for now. Please be reminded, you can't pick and choose areas of the code to enforce and not enforce others.  The City is obligated and liable to protect the health, safety and welfare of its citizens and adhere to the code as it is written.  I will be sending you further review of the code and show you where the city may be out of line.
Bill Conley
Here is an email I sent to Police Chief Paul
From: William Conley <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2015 11:40 AM
Subject: Chapter 28 Lehi City code governing resort communities

Police Chief Paul
It was nice to speak with you briefly this morning.  As I mentioned, there is code in Chapter 28 of the Lehi City code governing resort communities that directly impacts and in my opinion benefits your organization.
I have attached a copy of the resort community code with this email.  It will be much easier for you to read if you simply google, Lehi City chapter 28 resort community code.
Here is the relevant section that directly impacts your organization.
 Section 28.010 Purpose and Intent. 
The intent of the Resort Community Zone and this Chapter is to recognize and provide for the orderly development of certain properties as a tourist, convention, hospitality, business, and gathering destination and to provide for the implementation of the Lehi City General Plan. Furthermore, this ordinance and the standards for development contained herein are intended specifically to accomplish the following:
F. Support public service entities such as Police and Fire Departments by dedicating land or utilizing certain space within the Resort Community Zone at no cost to the City. 
Section 07.050. Public Support Requirements 

(Police Chief Paul, these are not suggestions, but requirements.  To my knowledge NONE of the following has happened.)

The large scale and public nature of a Resort Specific Zone requires the specialized support of various public services. The property owners shall therefore make certain allowances within the Resort Specific Zone property for public facilities and public support operations as follows:
A. Fire/EMS Sub-station. One half (1/2) acre of property shall be dedicated to the City without cost whereon a Fire Sub-station may be constructed and operated by the City. 
B. Police Sub-station. A facility or space within a facility shall be provided to the City without cost wherein a Police Sub-station may be operated. 
C. Utility Transactions. A space within a facility shall be provided to the City without cost wherein the public and City may conduct transactions for public utilities.
D. Security Services. A professional security staff shall be employed by the property owners in an effort to help promote public safety. The resort’s security staff shall cooperate with City Police and Fire Departments, but shall in no way or at any time replace or assume the responsibilities of the City Police and Fire Departments. 
I hope you bring this up with Mayor Bert Wilson, Jason Walker, Robert Ranc, City Council and the fire chief.  The city is growing and it is time that the city enforce what is written in chapter 28 of the resort community code.  I would be willing to discuss this with you and any other member of your staff, the Mayor, Jason Walker or members of the city council.


Bill Conley

801 867 7227
The bottom line and the reason I am showing you the emails I sent to Police Chief Paul and the City attorney is to demonstrate that the City is NOT enforcing or adhering to the Lehi City Code.  It is about time they start. If the City does not follow and adhere to its own code, how can we expect them to enforce developers to follow city code and in this case, they have not.  They are choosing to ignore and enforce code that is clearly written. The developer SHOULD NOT be allowed to proceed in their development until they have properly followed Lehi’s entire city Code and the City requires them to abide by the code EXACTLY as it is written.
Letter sent to the commissioners prior to the meeting on March 24, 2016.
To:  Lehi Planning Commission

From:  Bill Conley

Subject:  Additional concerns over the Thanksgiving Point Office approval 

In the analysis of the plan, the church has requested approval for a 135,000 square foot office building (paragraph 1).  In paragraph 3, they indicate they are going to build a 98,400 square foot building, which is it?  At 135,000 square feet they will need 559 stalls, at 98,400 square feet they will need 443 stalls, and they say they are going to have 494 stalls, less than they will need if the building is 135,000 square feet.  I highly doubt this building is only going to be 98,400 since their initial proposal to the city was a 120,000 square foot office building.

How many stalls will be required by the city for the Family Search and Discovery Center?  That has not been defined in this application.  I can’t imagine it is the same ratio as 4.5 stalls to every 1000 feet.  How many people do they believe will be visiting the Family Search and Discovery Center on a daily basis?  How many workers?  How large is the center? None of this is mentioned, only that they are building a commercial building of 135,000 square feet or 98,400 square feet.

I don’t think they have enough parking stalls for the commercial office building and a future LDS Stake Center.  As a standalone Stake Center, how much parking would be required? As a standalone commercial office building, they do not have enough parking slots.

Are they including parking stalls from what will eventually be the LDS Stake Center?  If so, are you sure they can do this?  Someone needs to check if this is allowed.  Has this ever been done before?  Can you mix a for profit commercial enterprise and a religious institution and share parking?  I highly doubt it.  I don’t think the IRS will take kindly to this situation.

Where else in Lehi is there a LDS Stake Center combined with a LDS Commercial office development?  Where else in the country?   Highly unusual and I don’t believe should be allowed.

There is NO WAY that 50% of the property (6+ acres) is landscaped.  Look at the drawings. Are they including in this application the future proposed LDS Stake Center as landscaping? 

I was told by Christie that the church intends to propose the construction of the LDS Stake center a few weeks from now.  If so, including it as landscaping in this application seems a bit disingenuous. 

I would like to know the exact square footage of the landscaping.  In order for this project to be at 50% they would need to landscape over 261,360 square feet.  Really, don’t quite see 6+ acres of landscaping on the drawings they provided.  Don’t buy it! Have them prove it; the drawings clearly DO NOT show 6+ acres of landscaping.

Parking is an issue.
Landscaping is an issue.

Most importantly, the building itself is an issue! Not to code, not even close to code!  I gave you an account of how this is not up to code yesterday. 

Proposed building shows the use of brick, metal accents and glass with pop-outs, awnings, decorative lighting, roof cantilevers and recessed entry.  The drawing included with this application are wholly inadequate and do not completely represent the building as it will look once it is complete.

I most adamantly believe this project is adjacent to the home owners at Thanksgiving Village.  I believe that Ryan needs to research this a bit more.

They indicate a traffic study has been submitted and is currently being reviewed.  Why would you even consider approving this application when the traffic study review has not been completed?  The traffic study submitted by the church received an F grade.  Nothing has changed since they have done that study. Well actually, somethings have changed; traffic has increased significantly since that study was done. 

The proposed traffic signals at 2150 N and 2300 W would be a huge mistake.  That would make 3 traffic signals within a few hundred feet. One on 2150 as they suggest and two on 2100. This is ludicrous and would create a huge traffic snarl.  Traffic is already a major problem at that intersection, adding an additional light would be a nightmare.  This also suggests that they expect vehicles to travel from the proposed office development through residential neighborhoods where dozens of children play in their front yards.  Can you honestly say you are protecting the health, safety and welfare of these children by increasing the amount of traffic each day by hundreds if not thousands of vehicles? Absolutely NOT!
Secondly, this traffic signal may never be installed, then what?  The project needs to be put on hold until all traffic studies have been reviewed and completed. This rush to approve is most definitely wrong.

Listen to this nonsensical sentence.  The Planning Division Staff recommends that the Planning Commission grant approval to the proposed site plan as the proposed use is a permitted use within the Thanksgiving Point Resort Community (Is it?) Does the proposed development adhere to the language in the Special Warranty Deed as signed by the church and Beesmark?  Do you even care that the church is violating the signed Special Warranty Deed? 

Here is the fun part:


ROADWAY – What?  That has never been mentioned before. What roadway improvements are they talking about?  Shouldn’t you be made aware of the potential roadway improvements? How could you possibly approve an application where the roadway improvements have not been made public? 

SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS – no guarantee here.  No proof this will help or solve anything.  The traffic study has not even been completed.  I would love to see the proof of how this is going to help traffic flow and congestion, not speculation, but actual proof.

MAYBE REQUIRED TO MITIGATE POTENTIAL TRAFFIC ISSUES CAUSED BY THIS DEVELOPMENT -  The mayor, multiple city officials and the church have all come out and publically stated that this WILL IN FACT create more traffic congestion.  Why would they need two traffic studies if they didn’t think traffic would be a major issue?  One stop light isn’t going to solve anything and will only hurt traffic flow and increase congestion.


This project most certainly IS detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare of Lehi City.  Just ask those residents who children play in their front yard where thousands and thousands of cars will be speeding by going to and from work. 
The proposed site plans DOES NOT meet the requirements of the Lehi City Development code, not even close, unless you close your eyes.

Are you aware the last DRC meeting lasted 20 minutes? 
In the last DRC meeting the applicant wasn’t even present. 
Did you read that under current conditions the circuits feeding the proposed area have no available capacity?  What is being done with this?  When will capacity be available? Why would you even consider approving an application where there are NO circuits available to the proposed development?  Have you done this before, if so, when and for whom?  This is a big red flag. 

Read further

Until further review and system improvements are DESIGNED (not yet designed) and or in place (when will that be?) we (the city) are unable to serve this project.  What?  This project as of today CAN NOT be developed. All cost associated with the design, construction and implementation have not been calculated. The date of the design, construction and implementation has not been made known.  Who will pay for the design, construction and implementation? How much will it cost? 

You cannot even think of approving this project without full knowledge of what this will cost and when it will be completed and by whom.

Read further

A line extension, conduit and equipment WILL BE REQUIRED (don’t know how much that will cost or who will pay for it) for a master circuit in order to provide adequate service to this project.  Lehi Power provided sketch with points of attachment and power infrastructure to be constructed (designed and constructed, who knows when?)

I did quite a bit of research today regarding the acreage of other Stake Centers in and around the Lehi area.  The 1.41 acres as proposed would be the smallest footprint of any Stake Center anywhere that I could find.  The next smallest footprint I could find was 2.75 acres and most were much larger, some as large as nearly 10 acres.  Once again it appears to me that the Stake Center when it is built will use the commercial office building parking lot and the commercial office building will use the Stake Center parking lot.  Show me one other Stake Center in Lehi or one other church building that is doing this.  I think someone should contact the IRS and let them know what is going on in this project.

It should be noted that the church is in violation of the special warranty deed they signed with Beesmark.  In that deed, the church indicated it would build a 6000 square foot family search and discovery center on the southern border of the property.  In that deed and on the drawings at Utah County of the Family Search Plat, there is no mention of a 135,000 square foot office building housing a 6000 square foot Family Search and Discovery Center.  According to the Deed a LDS Stake Center cannot be constructed on the southern border of the property, a Family Search and Discovery Center cannot be built on the northern border of the property.

Morally and ethically, the church is bound by their agreement.  I believe the city has a responsibility to not participate and help one party to a contract violate the contract by approving a development. Those that have signed this agreement if they are men of integrity should live up to the agreement.  If they don’t, then they are certainly not men of integrity and do we really want organizations like that in our city?

Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.


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