Sunday, June 5, 2016

It is important for the LDS Church to understand that it is their responsibility to be sure the Family Search Development is constructed IN FULL COMPLIANCEwith ALL State and local Codes and Ordinance.

I was browsing the Lehi City website and came across this language.

Building & Inspections

The Building and Inspection Department handles and issues all building permits for Lehi City.
The City has certified inspectors who are qualified plan examiners and inspectors for all types of building construction with the purpose to promote a safe and professional building quality for Lehi City.

Important Notes

Note for Inspections: Please allow 24 hours notice for any type of inspection.

Note for General Contractors: It is important for the General Contractor to understand that it is his/her responsibility to be sure this project is constructed


with ALL

state and local Codes and Ordinance.

The plans are not all inclusive of all minimum codes and ordinances.

This fact does not relieve the Contractor from compliance with all minimum standards.

No omission from these plans gives permission for violation for ANY code or ordinance.

NO APPROVAL ever grants permission to violate any code or town ordinance.

Please reread the section above several times. The LDS Church has not been giving permission to violate any code or town ordinance, but yet they have done so with the full support of the staff at the City of Lehi.

 Building Permit Checklist

I bet you dollars to donuts the LDS Church did not follow the following building code checklist, word for word, exactly as it is written:


1. One (1) full set of folded plans (min. 24" x 18")
Elevations (where applicable)
Floor Plan
Cross Sections/Detail
Meter base location and amperage of service along with breaker panel location
2 sets of fire sprinkler plans when required (see Fire Marshall)

2. Two (2) Plot Plans on 8 1/2 x 11 paper with dimensions from property line to building (set backs)

3. Two (2) RES checks for residential (Insulation requirement where applicable)

4. Engineering/Architect Stamp (when applicable) showing:
Load Calculations for Power
Fixture Unit Count both Potable and Drainage
Wind Load Design
Geotechnical Report (when applicable)
Material Speck (when applicable)

5. Two (2) Gas Piping Diagrams on 8 1/2 x 11 paper showing BTU's for each appliance; pipe size and footage for residential (follow sample on page 2)

6. Complete Building Permit Application with Contractors Signature and License #

Note:  I can almost guarantee you, the LDS Church DID NOT provide the city of Lehi a COMPLETE building permit application with all submittals.

7. Hold Harmless Agreement signed

8. Certificates where applicable

9. Two (2) Manual J & D 

I have given the City of Lehi dozens of GRAMA request. I have asked for; a copy of the completed building permit application along with all submittals, a copy of the Hold Harmless agreement, a copy of the any certificates when applicable, a copy of the Manual J and D and a copy of all items listed in the building permit checklist.

Do you think the LDS Church provided the city with a COMPLETE list of all the items required to receive a building permit?  I bet you, they didn't.  

I do not know as yet weather or not the LDS Church received a building permit.  I do know they have brought a construction trailer to the Family Search site (June 3, 2016).

The LDS Church just keeps moving along with the development project despite my three appeals.  

Note the language on the city website above: 

It is important for the General Contractor to understand that it is his/her responsibility to be sure this project is constructed
IN FULL COMPLIANCEwith ALL State and local Codes and Ordinance. 

Whose responsibility, the General Contractor who is hired by the LDS Church.

The LDS Church is not in FULL COMPLIANCE with ALL State and Local Codes and Ordinances.  The Staff at the City of Lehi have not required that The LDS Church be in FULL COMPLIANCE.  However, even thought the Staff at the City of Lehi are not doing their job, it is the responsibility of the General Contractor (LDS Church) to be sure their project is being constructed in FULL COMPLIANCE.

I have given the City of Lehi around 6 dozen GRAMA request, all most all of them asking for copies of applications and submittals for the Family Search project. 

Marilyn Banasky, not once but twice has told me the following;

"In some cases, the record you have requested doesn't exist or has not yet been provided to the City."

In my GRAMA request response from Marilyn, she stated, "This record does not exist."

In my GRAMA request I have asked for copies of  the following required application (s). I have not received a completed application with submittals for any of the following.

Family Search Plat
Application for Preliminary Subdivision Plat Approval
Application for Final Subdivision Plat Approval

Note: Not received, yet they approved the creation of the Family Search Plat.

Family Search Commercial Office Building
Application for Concept Review
Application for Site Plan Approval
Application for Preliminary Site Plan/Final Grading and Utility Plan Approval
Application for Permitted Use Approval
Application for Grading Permit

Note: Not a single completed application presented to the City by the LDS Church, yet they received site plan approval from the Planning Commission.

Thanksgiving Village LDS Stake Center
Application for Site Plan Approval
Application for Grading Permit
Application for Conditional Use Permit Approval 
Application for Concept Review

Note: Not a single completed application presented to the City by the LDS Church, yet they received approval from the Planning Commission for the Conditional Use permit.

I have dozens of unanswered GRAMA request still at the City of Lehi.

I can assure you the Staff at the City and the LDS Church are not in COMPLETE compliance to the Lehi Land Use Development Code, NOT EVEN CLOSE. Yet, this project moves forward!

LDS members approving an LDS Church building project is a gigantic problem.  The Staff at the City is complicit with the LDS Church is breaking the law.

The ONLY one willing to speak the truth about this project is ME!

There is a cute little song the Children in the LDS Church sing titled, Follow the Prophet, he knows the way.

 In the Special Project division of the Church they too have an equally cute little song the adults like to sing, titled, Follow the Profit, Follow the Profit, Follow the Profit, we know the way! ( I made that up, they don't really sing that song, but they should)

Time for the LDS Church to stop the Family Search Development and come into compliance with all the Lehi Land Use Development Codes and Ordinances as required and stop expecting the Staff at the City of Lehi to keep covering for you. Do the right thing, tell the truth, obey the laws of the land and follow the code. 


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