Saturday, June 4, 2016

LAWBREAKER: The truth behind the LDS Family Search Development Project

Mormon's 13 Articles of Faith

#12. We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law.
If Mormons profess to being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in OBEYING, HONORING and SUSTAINING THE LAW, why has the Mormon Church broken dozens of laws as it relates to their building project on the Thanksgiving Point Driving Range? The Family Search plat, a single lot subdivision was created illegally by the Mormon Church and staff at the City of Lehi, UT.  The Family Search Commercial Office building proposed by the Mormon's was approved by the Lehi City Planning Commission illegally.  The Thanksgiving Village LDS Stake Church proposed by the Mormon Church was also approved illegally by Lehi City Planning Commission.  The Mormon Church are grading, excavating and preparing the Family Search Plat illegally.  The staff and those appointed to positions within the City of Lehi are Mormons and are complicit in this illegal activity. It is extremely CLEAR that the Mormon Church and staff at the City of Lehi believe they are above the law and most DEFINITELY have NO interest in obeying it.

#13. We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul-We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.

Let's take a look at the Thanksgiving Point Development project proposed by the Mormons Church and see if they are living up to their 13th Article of Faith?

HONEST - Absolutely NOT
TRUE - Absolutely NOT
CHASTE - Absolutely NOT
VIRTUOUS - Absolutely NOT

The Mormon Church are lawbreakers and NOT to be trusted! They are liar's, bully's and opaque.  When confronted with their lies and deception, they ignore, threaten and intimidate.  They have no interest in confronting the truth.  The reality is they steamroll those who bring to light their lies and deception.

The Mormon Church and the Staff at the City of Lehi along with the Planning Commission at the City of Lehi who are predominately ALL Mormon members are pushing through a development project that should NEVER have seen the light of day.

What is the opposite of LOVE and those that follow Jesus Christ?
Evil and those that follow Satan, that would be the Mormon Church and those at the City of Lehi who are jeopardizing the Health, Safety and Welfare of it's citizens. They just don't care, profits mean more to them then following the Prophet.

Time to call a spade a spade. The Mormon Church are lawbreakers.  The development project being pushed forth by the Mormon Church on the Thanksgiving Point Driving Range is 100% illegal. The Mormon Church and those at the City of Lehi are NOT following the Lehi City Land Use Development Code, word for word, exactly as it is written, NOT EVEN CLOSE.  They don't even pretend to follow the code, they completely ignore the code and the Staff at the City of Lehi, who are also predominately Mormon Church members, have no problem breaking the law right along with them.

Truth is, the Mormon Church are lawbreakers. 

I will challenge anyone to prove me wrong. Please contact me, let's sit down and you provide me the information that PROVES the Mormon Church and the Staff at the City of Lehi are following the Land Use Development Code, word for word, exactly as it is written. 

Until then, I am comfortable in saying the Mormon Church are liars, cheats, bully's, evil, follows of Satan and not Jesus Christ. They continue to develop the Family Search Plat even though I have filed three appeals with the City of Lehi. That is exactly what lawbreakers do, they ignore the law, ignore those that have called them out for breaking the law and smack you in the face by beginning construction.  I guess they don't really believe in doing good to ALL men!

I am appealing the Planning Commissions decision to approve the Family Search Commercial Office Building.
I am appealing the Planning Commissions decision to approve the Conditional Use and Site Plan for the Thanksgiving Village LDS Stake Center.
I am appealing the decision by the Staff at the City of Lehi to not require a grading permit approval prior to beginning excavating, grading and preparing the Family Search Plat for construction.

I have the PROOF they have broken the law and are not following the Lehi Land Use Development Code word for word, exactly as it is written.

Prove to me that they have followed the law in this development project, word for word, exactly as it is written in the Lehi Land Use Development Code and I will take back everything I have said and apologize.

The Mormon Church are lawbreakers, pure and simple.  The men at the top of the Mormon Church, the Presiding Bishopric are not HONEST men, for if they were, they would put a stop to the development of the Family Search Plat until they come into complete compliance with the Lehi Land Use Development Code. If they think for a second they are in compliance, they are delusional.

I challenge the Presiding Bishopric of the Mormon Church to meet with me and PROVE to me that they have obeyed the laws of the land by following the Lehi Land Use Development Code, exactly as it is written, word for word. 

The Presiding Bishopric of the Mormon church won't be able to prove to me that you followed the code, because you didn't and that makes you dishonest and disobedient to the laws of the land.

Better read the 12th and 13th articles of Faith and live up to them. If you can't, you might as well quit your position because it is evident you aren't living up the what the Mormon Church teaches.

Brent Robert's and Nathan Hale know how to get a hold of me, if you want to meet, I will most definitely make myself available.

For those of you reading this, I have asked to meet with Mormon Church representatives on numerous occasions, so far, the Presiding Bishopric is to busy to meet with me.


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