Monday, March 21, 2016

Email sent to Ryan Wood regarding the word adjacent, March 21, 2016, lets see if he responds

|The word adjacent

William Conley;Bert Wilson <>;; Ryan

Please respond to this email and my earlier email.

Here is a blog post I wrote regarding the word adjacent.  I know the LDS Church project IS adjacent to each homeowner in Thanksgiving Village (HOA). Have you read our bylaws and articles of incorporation?  If not, I strongly suggest you do so immediately. I know the LDS 12 acre parcel with its proposed development borders each homeowner at Thanksgiving Village.

Lets look at the definition of the word adjacent in the chapter 39 of the Lehi city code.

Adjacent - ALL PROPERTIES immediately contiguous to a development site, including those that are separated from the site only by a road or other right of way or easement.

The residents of Thanksgiving Village each own a portion of Desert Forest Lane, I own a portion of Desert Forest Lane.  The proposed LDS development project IS adjacent to each homeowner of Thanksgiving Village.

If the city is going to allow (they most definitely should not, ethically and morally if for no other reason) development of the Thanksgiving Point driving range, they must adhere to the Lehi City Code governing resort communities, specifically section 28.070 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS.

The City of Lehi MUST comply with its own code exactly as it is written and STOP trying to push through this development EVEN THOUGH it violates multiple city codes and is highly unethical to say the least.

The City of Lehi is at risk of a lawsuit regarding this development.  I would suggest you caution those who work for the city or those who are appointed by the city to adhere to the city code exactly as it is written. I suggest you get a copy of the Thanksgiving Village HOA articles of incorporation and I highly encourage you stop this development for the moment until ALL potential litigation problems are resolved.  DO NOT allow this development to move forward with the possibility of litigation hanging over its head.  Of course the City is not obligated to obey its own code and not obligated to obey the law, however, I caution the city that by allowing this development to move forward, the city is opening its self up to a lawsuit.

I believe the last thing the city wants to do is to have this development delayed by virtue of a lawsuit.  Make sure YOU and the city officials and those appointed by the city are absolutely and completely satisfied that the city has done ALL it can to prevent a lawsuit from occurring, before, during or after the Family Search project is completed.  Make sure those who work for the city FOLLOW the city code EXACTLY as it is written.  We do not want to open up the city to a lawsuit because those who work for the city or who are appointed by the city have not followed the Lehi City Code exactly as it is written (all of it, every single word, each word has meaning).

Here is a copy of the blog post

I look forward to hearing from you.

Bill Conley

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