Saturday, January 9, 2016

Dave Rose, BYU's head basketball coach believes that Utah should honor their contract to play them next year. Beesmark LLC and the LDS Church could learn a few things from him

Honor your word, the world is watching

If you are going to enter into a contract, you should have the integrity to go through with it.

I am watching the BYU vs San Francisco game this evening.

The announcers were talking about the news that Utah basketball coach (Larry Krystkowiak)

 backed out of Utah's contract to play BYU at BYU in basketball  next year.  It appears that Utah is perfectly happy to pay $80,000 to get out of their contract to play BYU next year.

The announcers continued to discuss the issue and one announcer said to the other, I was having a conversation with Dave Rose (head basketball coach at BYU) the other day.

You know what really bothers Dave Rose the most about Utah backing out of playing BYU in basketball next year, the fact that they are not going to HONOR their contract.  It really bothers Dave Rose that Utah is not going through with a contract they signed.  Dave Rose believes that once you sign a contract, you honor that contract no matter what.  He is really upset with Utah for not honoring their contract.

Good for you Dave Rose, you are exactly right. When you enter into a contract you go through with the contract (no matter what).  That is the honorable thing to do.

Maybe the LDS Church and Beesmark LLC could learn something from Dave Rose.  I think you know where to find Dave Rose, maybe he could teach you a thing or two about honoring your commitments. (special warranty deed)

Special Warranty Deed between Beesmark LLC and the LDS Church

Special Warranty Deed

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