Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Traffic nightmare at rush hour in Thanksgiving Point, the City of Lehi is set to increase the volume of cars in this area without caring about the consequences

Traffic insanity at Thanksgiving Point at rush hour

The traffic in and around Thanksgiving Point at rush hours is insane.  Last night I left my home at 5:40 pm, which is 1 mile from the entrance to the ramp on I 15.  I drove out of my neighborhood, took a left on Garden Drive and then a right onto Club house drive and immediately ran into traffic. All I could say was, darn it.  I knew I was in for a long wait until I could get onto I 15 which I was almost certain was also backed up (and it was).  It took me 31 minutes to get through the metered traffic light to get onto I 15 headed north. I live one mile away!

When there is an accident on the freeway or in the case of heavy traffic,the arterials in Lehi are a disaster.  Club House Drive which leads to I 15 is the arterial I use to get on the freeway.  I could head south on Garden Drive which intersected with 2100 going east, but that would have been way worse and besides I was headed north, not south.

The city of Lehi knows they have a mess on their hands when it comes to rush hour traffic in the Thanksgiving Point area.  Everyone who drives in this area knows there is a problem with traffic flow, congestion and gridlock.  So what is the city of Lehi doing about it?

Well not nothing, they continue to increase the development in the Thanksgiving Point area without dramatically increasing the infrastructure to handle the traffic. The other thing they are doing is allowing another development to take place in a residential neighborhood which will increase traffic, traffic congestion and gridlock. The health, safety and welfare of the citizens who live, work and play in this area continues to deteriorate and all the city can do is allow the continued development on both sides of the I 15 freeway.

City officials are derelict in their duty to protect its citizens. They are allowing and continue to allow development in an already congested area.  Recently a traffic study was done by the LDS Church and the traffic conditions in the Thanksgiving Point area received a grade of

Did that stop the city from allowing more development? No, it did not! Their solution, add a few stoplights and allow and watch the traffic conditions improve.  Are you kidding me and everyone else who lives in the area. Stoplights will not increase traffic flow, they will only add to the congestion and gridlock.

Solution once again with pictures.....

More new office developments, one approved in a residential neighborhood...


More new cars, traffic congestion and gridlock......


Two new stoplights


smooth sailing, cars just humming along without a care in the world (see picture below). No traffic congestion, no gridlock. These amazing two new stoplights are going to change the entire traffic pattern at Thanksgiving Point from an F to a B.

That's right, increased development + thousands of new cars + two new stoplights = traffic shangri la for all those who travel in the Thanksgiving Point area at rush hour.

So why doesn't the mayor, his staff, the planning commission and city council members come and drive in this traffic on a regular basis at rush hour.  Oh, that is right, none of them live in the area and don't have to fight the traffic on a daily basis.

It just goes to show those who work at the city may not have a clue about how traffic and traffic patterns actually work.

For anyone to believe the traffic equation above, well, may need to learn a little more about how traffic patterns actually work.  

The City plans to allow increased development in the Thanksgiving Point area and now they want to allow commercial development to take place next to a residential neighborhood.  Thousands of extra cars will now be traveling potentially and more than likely through the residential neighborhood putting the lives of small young children who play in their front yard at risk.  Do you think they care?

No they don't care.  What they  do care about is allowing a commercial development (LDS Church) to take place next to a residential neighborhood by a corporation (LDS Church) who is violating the terms of their agreement in a special warranty deed they signed. 

Hey City of Lehi and those who work for and those appointed as well as those elected, why don't you spend a few weeks traveling the Thanksgiving Point area at rush hour, especially when you really need to be somewhere on time.  Let's see how you like it. 

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