Thursday, January 7, 2016

LDS apologist are starting to come out of the woodwork to defend their Church

LDS Apologist are starting to come out of the word works to defend the Church.

Apparently some of them have not read an earlier blog I wrote on the Law of consecration, sacrifice and obedience. (link below)

An LDS apologist told me that if one party to the contract (Beesmark LLC) did not want to enforce the language in the contract with the LDS Church, that the LDS Church had then not violated the terms of the contract. So whats the problem he said.

I answered, oh, yes they had violated the contract. When you contractually agree to do something and you don't do it, you are in violation of the agreement and legal proceedings can be brought against you.

Whether or not Beesmark enforces the language in the special warranty deed does not make it right for the LDS Church to not HONOR the language in the contract exactly as it is written.

I wonder if the LDS Apologist actually would encourage the LDS Church to violate the contractual commitment they made in the special warranty deed?  Do they really think that is OK?

 LDS Apologist, do these words mean anything to you

Honor your commitments.

I have actually found this to be a very difficult concept for many LDS members. Seriously, many LDS members I have met and dealt with actually believe it is OK to not honor their word or their commitments. (I wonder where they get that thought from?) \

Here is a classic example of where the LDS Church has contractually committed to building a 6000 square feet building on the southern border of the Family Search plat.  Big question, are they going to honor their commitment to build that facility as they contractually agreed to do or are they going to be dishonorable men and build whatever the heck they want.  Whether or not Beesmark LLC calls them out on violating the language in the contract, the LDS Church MUST honor their commitments.

The LDS Church MUST demonstrate to their members the importance of honoring their commitments.  If the LDS Church is not going to honor their commitments, it is not surprising to me that many of their members do likewise.


Are those who work for the LDS Church men of Integrity?  Are they going to do what they said they are going to do?

Obey the law of the land.  The LDS Church professes to obey the law of the land in one of their articles of faith (#12).  Does that not apply to contract law as well?

Truth.  We are taught as young children to tell the truth.  I was taught as a young child when contemplating a decision to ask, What would Jesus do?  Do you think Jesus would act selfishly and not honor his commitments.  I hardly doubt it.


The apologist fail to recognize that the LDS Church does not own the streets and public infrastructure.  The contract between Beesmark and the LDS Church will impact 10's of thousands of people on a daily basis.  This contract was not made in a vacuum and therefore it is critically important that both parties to the contract honor the wording in the contract exactly as it is written. It is equally important that the City of Lehi not help the LDS Church break their commitment to a contract.

Don't forget about all those people who work, live and visit the Thanksgiving Point area.

Their lives will forever be changed by this project and not for the better.

The apologist would have you believe that Beesmark and those that work at the City are not being forced to help the LDS Church break their agreement, well isn't that nice since most if not all of them are LDS Church members.

Bottom line, the law is the law, a contract is a contract and the LDS Church is not above the law and if they are honorable men with integrity, they will live up to the contract they signed regardless if Beesmark and the City cover for them.

LDS apologist, isn't it interesting that you would support the Church in breaking a contractual commitment they made, make excuses for them and apologize for their bad behavior. What does that say about you and the way you operate your life.  Do you honor your commitments, tell the truth, live with integrity, obey the law?  If you answer yes, then why shouldn't the LDS Church do likewise? They expect that of you, you should expect that of them.

You might want to read this blog post

Obedience, Consecration and Sacrifice, the reason LDS members MUST be obedient to the Church FIRST, their civic callings MUST take a back Seat to the Church's commands

One last thought.  Bad behavior, breaking the law is NEVER defensible.  There are consequences to breaking the law. The LDS Church may not like that they committed to building a 6000 square foot family search and discovery center on the southern border of the Family Search plat, but that is what they contractually committed to do and they should honor their commitment and build what they said they were going to build.

Breaking the law is never right

 Contract law is still law.

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