Friday, January 1, 2016

LDS Church temple recommend questions, my favorite, are you honest your business dealings with your fellow man?

Temple recommend questions.

Here are 4 of the 14 LDS Church temple recommend questions.  I would like to take a look at.

#6   Is there anything in your conduct relating to members of your family that is not in harmony with the teachings of the church?

I have witnessed all kinds of conduct unbecoming a worthy temple recommend holder in my time as a member of the LDS church. Still these individuals hold a temple recommend.
Any of you fought with your wife, yelled at your children or hidden something, anything from your spouse?  Ever tell your spouse a white lie, not tell her information she should be made aware of or ignored your family in their time of need.  All of these plus countless hundreds of other offenses could be considered conduct relating to members of your family that is not in harmony with the teachings of the church? Many LDS temple recommend holders justify or rationalize their behavior as being OK when in actuality, it may not be.

#8   Do you strive to keep the covenants you have made, to attend your sacrament and other meetings, and to keep your life in harmony with the laws and commandments of the gospel?

In other words are you living the law of obedience, consecration and sacrifice?  As well, are you putting the church before everything else in your life?

My favorite

#9   Are you honest in your dealings with your fellow man?

I love this one for so many reasons.  I can't tell you the number of dishonest LDS temple recommend holders I personally have encountered who attempted to swindle me and others.  Honesty and honoring their commitments to many LDS church members is a foreign concept. If you are an LDS member, you know what I mean. We have all dealt with or heard of individuals who were dishonest and who did not honor their commitments. 

Lets take a look at this word honest.  First, what is it's definition?

Here are a few definitions I found in a variety of different sources. 

Free of deceit, untruthfulness, sincere.
Honorable in principles, intentions, and actions; upright and fair
Truthful or credible
Respetable; having a good reputation
Sincere; frank
Gained or obtained fairly
Showing uprightness or fairness
Free of fraud or deceit or deception
Good and truthful, not lying, stealing or cheating
Showing or suggesting a good and truthful character
Not hiding the truth about someone or something, not meant to deceive someone
Marked by integrity
Marked by free, forthright and sincere expression
Characterized by truth, not false, not deceptive, secretive 
Truthful or able to be trusted
An honest person does not cheat people or lie and obeys the law
Truthful and sincere, no matter what
Justifying your actions or behavior in a manner which is deceptive
Not honoring your commitments
Not doing the job you were hired or elected to do
Ignoring your responsibilities
Not telling the whole truth and leaving out critical details
Not elaborating when elaborating is required
Cheating other
Parsing or mincing your words so as to confuse others
Not being candid

Synonyms, just, incorruptible, trusty, trustworthy, straightforward, candid, pure.
Antonyms, dishonest, corrupt

I think some of the those involved in any way (Corporation, City, Beesmark etc.) with the Thanksgiving Point driving range project who are temple recommend holders may want to take a good hard look at whether or not they meet every one of the honesty definitions listed above. Especially those who work for the church!

#13  Have there been any sins or misdeeds in your life that should have been resolved with priesthood authorities but have not been?

Is dishonesty, deceit, lying, covering up, falsifying, deceptive, non law abiding (even civilly) secretive, untrustworthy, corrupt a misdeed?  If so, then time for you to go and speak with your Bishop and get yourself right with the Lord.  Second, you need to confess your sins and stop going to the house of the Lord until you can once again be considered honest in your business dealings with your fellow man.

In case you are struggling with this.  If you contractually agree to one thing and do another, this is not honest.  If you do not enforce city code exactly as it is written, that is dishonest.  If you do not encourage another person (eg. Beesmark encouraging the church to honor the Special Warranty Deed exactly as it is written) to honor their word or commitment, that is dishonest.  

You might not think you are dishonest, but what does the Lord think?  Would he take a look at your heart, your intentions, your actions (behavior), the words you speak and consider you a honest, law abiding person? Only you and the Lord know if you are being honest with your dealings with your fellow man!

I seriously believe there are a whole lot of people who go to the temple who should not be there.  If you are an LDS member, you know or have known someone who definitely should have had their temple recommend taken away.  

I challenge all those who work for the church, the city and Beesmark to look deep inside your soul and answer the question in all honesty (remember, this is between you and the Lord and your salvation is at stake), am I being honest in my business dealings with my fellow man?

My two cents.  I don't see how anyone could honestly say they are honest in their business dealings with their fellow man when they don't live up to their commitments. 

For goodness sakes, if we can't trust the church and its representatives to be honest, can we trust the church to tell us the truth about anything?

LDS Church and its representatives; Take a close look at the language in the special warranty deed and ask yourself, are we following the exact wording as it is written?  Are we honoring our commitments? Are we being truthful? 

The world is watching to see what you are going to do!

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