Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Email sent to Kim Struthers head of DRC on Dec 16, 2015 outlining just a couple of problems I see with the proposed LDS Church development on the Thanksgiving Point driving range

Good Afternoon Kim
William Conley
Wed 12/16/2015 1:30 PM
Lehi City
You forwarded this message on 12/16/2015 1:41 PM

I wanted to forward you a couple of blog post I thought might be of interest to you.

I have a blog that shares some of my insight into the Thanksgiving Point development.  I also share my message that the City of Lehi is not adhering to and enforcing the code in Chapter 28 EXACTLY as it is written.

I have emailed the Police and Fire chief along with the Carolyn Hoffman and referenced part of the code that directly impacts their department.

I hope you find my blog post enlightening.  I will continue to write about this project and any other code enforcement issues I believe are not being adhered to by DRC, Planning Commission and the City Council.

As for the meeting on the Thursday evening, it was apparent to me by the questions the Planning Commission asked that they did not have a clue what is written in Chapter 28.  They are also unaware of the Special Warranty Deed signed by the Church and Thanksgiving Point.

Kim the exact words in Chapter 28 must be followed, no exceptions.

The Church cannot develop a building higher than 35 feet or two stories.  I know it is your opinion (will be resolved in a court of law) that Thanksgiving Village is NOT adjacent to the proposed development.  I disagree completely and believe that not only is it adjacent, it ajoins Thanksgiving Village.  Desert Forest Lane is OWNED by the residents of Thanksgiving Village thus the proposed development and the residents of Thanksgiving Village have a common border.

Adjacent - All properties immediately contiguous to a development site, including those that are separated from the site only by a road or other right-of-way or easement.

Kim, Thanksgiving Village by virtue of the owners owning Desert Forest is ABSOLUTELY contiguous to the development site.  The proposed development MUST not exceed 35 feet or 2 stories.  To view it any other way would be incorrect.  I know a court of law will see that Desert Forest Lane owned by the residents of Thanksgiving Village is contiguous to the proposed development.

There are two other glaring problems.

The first having to do with the Special Warranty Deed (see my blog post), the second having to do with the creation and naming of the Family Search Plat (see my blog post).

I will leave it here Kim.  What happen last Thursday night was a travesty.  I welcome an opportunity to come in and visit with you and discuss these issues.

Thanksgiving Point Office Concept Planning Commission Report, Dec 10, 2015, The LDS attempt to fit a round peg in a square hole

Special warranty deed between Thanksgiving Point Development Corp and the Corporation of the presiding bishop of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Bill Conley
801 867 7227

  1. sharing a common border; touching.

  1. a thing or things belonging to someone; possessions collectively.
    "she wanted Oliver and his property out of her house"
    synonyms:possessions, belongings, things, effects, stuffgear, chattels, movables;More
    • a building or buildings and the land belonging to it or them.
      plural noun: properties
  1. 1.
    at once; instantly.
    "I called immediately for an ambulance"
    synonyms:straightaway, at once, right away, instantlynowdirectlypromptly,forthwith, this/that (very) minute, this/that instant, there and then, then and there, on the spot, here and now, without delay, without further ado, posthasteMore
  2. 2.
    without any intervening time or space.

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