Thursday, December 17, 2015

Mayor Bert Wilson has refused to respond to a request to pledge to protect the safety, health and long term welfare of every citizen of Lehi, among other things. Dec 17, 2015

As of December 17th, 2015, Mayor Bert Wilson has refused to respond to a requested pledge to protect the safety, health and long term welfare of the citizens of Lehi.  

By not responding he has also refused to pledge to UPHOLD and ENFORCE ALL Lehi city land use ordinances EXACTLY (word for word, words have meaning) as they are written.

More specifically, to UPHOLD and ENFORCE the land use ordinances EXACTLY (word for word) as they are written in Chapter 28 of the Lehi city code regulating Resort Communities.

To instruct those who work for the city to also UPHOLD and ENFORCE the Lehi city land use ordinances EXACTLY as they are written.

To REQUIRE those seeking to do business in ANY form (including land developers) to ADHERE to ALL city codes EXACTLY as they are written.

To promise to be honest, fair and transparent in  ALL his roles and responsibilities as a representative of the citizens of the city of Lehi.

And lastly

To not give special treatment to specific individuals, groups, organizations or businesses.

Why would he refuse to pledge to these very basic ideals which seem extremely reasonable?

Below is the original pledge sent to the Mayor Bert Wilson, Jason Walker and the Lehi City Council. As of December 17th, not only have they not pledged to the ideals listed below, they have not even taken the time to email me back.

Requested pledge by me to the Lehi City Council, mayor and staff, Dec 8, 2015

Requested pledge by me to the Lehi City Council, mayor and staff, Dec 8, 2015

Do you pledge to the citizens of the City of Lehi....

To protect the safety, health and long term welfare of EVERY citizen that resides within the city of Lehi?
To UPHOLD and ENFORCE ALL Lehi city land use ordinances EXACTLY (word for word, words have meaning) as they are written?
More specifically, will you UPHOLD and ENFORCE the land use ordinances EXACTLY (word for word) as they are written in Chapter 28 of the Lehi city code regulating Resort Communities?
Will you instruct those who work for the city to also UPHOLD and ENFORCE the Lehi city land use ordinances EXACTLY as they are written?
Will you REQUIRE those seeking to do business in ANY form (including land developers) to ADHERE to ALL city codes EXACTLY as they are written?
Do you promise to be honest, fair and transparent in your in ALL your roles and responsibilities as a representative of the citizens of the city of Lehi?
To not give special treatment to specific individuals, groups, organizations or businesses?

Please take a moment to review this pledge and email me back a response.

As of December 13th when this blog post was written, I have not hear back from any one from the city of Lehi.

Update, as of Jan 6, 2016, I have not heard back from any of the individuals I originally emailed.  I guess they plan to operate above the law by not enforcing the law of the city (city code) exactly as it is written.  They also have no interest in adhering to the city code exactly as it is written and will continue to give special treatment to individuals, companies and corporations they favor.  It is not fair to the citizens of Lehi that those who work for, appointed to or are elected into a leadership role in Lehi to so blantely abandon city code in favor of their personal pet projects.

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