Sunday, December 13, 2015

Lehi City code chapter 39, definition of terms,. whats missing? Definitions for the words, health, safety, welfare, morals, 2 pages for sexually oriented businesses

Lehi City code chapter 39, definition of terms

Key term, the definition of Adjacent.  This term will most definitely be reviewed in a court of law. The city contends that Thanksgiving Village and its residents are not adjacent to the proposed development by the church on the Thanksgiving Point driving range.  However, Desert Forest Lane, owned by the residents of Thanksgiving Village is not only adjacent but borders the proposed development. The courts will determine if the proposed development is or is not adjacent and if it does or does not border residents of Thanksgiving Village.  Either way, the proposed development is indeed adjacent to residents of Thanksgiving Village in my estimation.

Adjacent - All properties immediately contiguous to a development site, including those that are separated from the site only by a road or other right-of-way or easement.

Terms missing for the Lehi City chapter 39, safety, health, long term welfare, warranted, morals. 

If these terms are not defined, how can one make a declaration that it does or does not affect the residents of the City of Lehi? 

How can you profess and proclaim the following statement was made by the Lehi Planning Commission.  “The proposed concepts DOES NOT affect the health, safety, welfare, and morals of the City.” 

Without defining these terms and concretely calibrating there affect, one cannot make a definitive statement of fact.

One thing I find very interesting is that the city code has 19 pages of definitions, 2 of these pages are devoted to sexually oriented businesses, not a single definition for safety, health, welfare or morals. 

Click below or cut and paste the link below to see the Lehi City code terms defined

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