Sunday, December 13, 2015

Lehi planning commission meeting July, 9th 2015

Good news, this concept plan was met by 75 angry citizens of the city of Lehi and was tabled for another time.

Lehi planning commission meeting July, 9th 2015

APPLICABLE DEVELOPMENT CODE REGULATIONS Section 11.010. Concept Plan – Applicability: The Concept Plan gives the applicant, staff, Planning Commission and City Council an opportunity to discuss the project in the conceptual stage. The applicant can use the Concept Plan meeting to receive direction on project layout as well as discuss the procedure for approval, the specifications and requirements that may be required for layout of streets, drainage, water, sewerage, fire protection, and similar matters prior to the preparation of a more detailed preliminary subdivision plat.

HISTORY December 26, 1995 – Thanksgiving Point annexation – The subject property was included in this annexation and assigned Planned Community zoning. Later the Thanksgiving Point Area Plan was amended and this property was assigned Resort Community zoning.

ANALYSIS The applicant requests approval of a concept plan for Thanksgiving Point Office located adjacent to the Thanksgiving Point Golf Course club house. The proposed concept will be built in place of the existing golf course driving range. There are two proposed buildings each with approximately 120,000 square feet for a total of 240,000 gross square feet. This concept was originally proposed with the buildings spaced apart with multiple rows of parking between. The DRC made a recommendation to move the buildings closer together to be more cohesive and provide better pedestrian accessibility between the buildings. The applicant has shown willingness to work with the City and has since submitted a new concept for the Planning Commission that addresses the DRC recommendation. The buildings are oriented to Garden Drive with the parking located to the sides and rear of the buildings. There are some visitor parking stalls located in the front plaza of the buildings and was designed in a way to create interest. There are many pedestrian walkways proposed throughout the parking lot and pedestrian connections are shown to connect to the street which will provide access to the nearby Front Runner station. There are a total 767 parking stalls proposed which do not meet the 800 stalls as required by the Development Code. The applicant may request a reduction in parking up to 20 percent at the discretion of the Planning Commission if proper justification is provided. Planning Staff is in complete support of allowing a reduction in the required parking as proposed by the applicant. The Front Runner station is located within an 1/8th of a mile of the site which provides convenient and walkable transit access and a master planned trail is also funded and designed along the frontage of the property. In addition to the vehicular parking, bike parking spaces are required at 10 percent of the required vehicular stalls due to the adjacent trail and proximity to the transit station. 40 bike spaces are required for each building for a total of 80 bike spaces. Bike stalls must be located within the buildings or within an external structure that is secure and covered. The details on bike parking will need to be addressed at the time of site plan. The proposed building elevations show changes in materials, awnings, roof cantilevers, metal louvers, recessed facades near the entrance, and breakup of the roofline for architectural variation. The proposed building materials consist of brick veneer, limestone-like base, glass, and metal panel accents. Visual separation of the first floor from the upper floors is accomplished with a change in materials. The Planning Commission is to determine if the proposed elevations meet the requirements of the Commercial Design Standards. The DRC found that the building elevations must meet the requirements of the Commercial Design Standards. It is recommended that the applicant coordinate with the City if any bridge upsizing is required over the Front Runner right-of-way. The DRC also recommended considering a connection to the Jordan River Parkway. It should be noted that some of the DRC comments have been addressed with the updated concept since the last DRC review. Please consider other DRC comments as part of the motion.

ACTION/RECOMMENDATIONS The Planning Commission may recommend approval, approval with conditions, or denial of the concept plan. Please remember to include findings as a part of the motion. The Planning Commission may also advise the applicant of specific changes or additions, if any that would be required in the layout as a prerequisite to the approval of the site plan.

FINDINGS The Development Code does not identify specific findings that must be considered when approving a concept; however the Planning Commission may wish to include the following findings in the motion:

1. The proposed Concept is consistent with the Lehi City Development Code
2. The proposed Concept conforms to the goals and policies of the General Plan.
3. The proposed Concept does not affect the health, safety, welfare, and morals of the City

Thanksgiving Point Office Concept DRC Redline Comments VCBO Architecture - Requests Concept Plan review for Thanksgiving Point Office, two proposed office buildings at approximately Garden Drive and Desert Forest Lane in an existing Resort Community zone.

DRC Members Present: Woody Berry, Kerry Evans, Lee Barnes, Kim Struthers, Gary Smith, Mike Howell, Ross Dinsdale, Craig Barratt Representatives of the Applicant Present: Sean Onyon

Date of Plans Reviewed: 6/11/15

Time Start: 4:20 PM Time End: 5:15 PM


a. Power is on the north side of Garden Drive.
b. At the time of site plan, show transformer and meter locations and provide load calculations for the building.
c. Sewer issue needs to be resolved.
d. Check with the Engineering and Water Department to see if more water dedication will be required.
e. Must detain storm water on site as per Lehi City standards.
f. Provide indoor fire flows to the Engineering Department.
g. Coordinate with the City on any bridge upsizing.
h. Provide a water analysis at the time of site plan.
i. Consider a pedestrian connection to the Jordan River Parkway Trail.
j. The buildings will need to meet the Commercial Design Standards contained in Chapter 37 of the Development Code. Some specific things that need to be addressed are as follows:
a. With multiple buildings, the site needs to be designed such that the overall development is cohesive. Building architecture, external materials and colors need to coordinate.
b. Recommend that the relation of the two buildings be considered with the site layout along with the architecture.
c. The main entrance to the buildings needs to relate to the street and sidewalks. Also, the buildings need to be oriented to the right-of-way/main access, with no parking between the front of the buildings and the right-of-way/access.
d. The elevations must meet the design standards in terms of architectural variation and vertical separation.

Notice there is NO discussion about meeting the design standards in Chapter 28 of the city of Lehi building codes.


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