Sunday, December 13, 2015

Email sent to Thanksgiving Point cautioning on them allowing the development of two proposed office buildings on the Thanksgiving Point driving range.


Sun 7/12/2015 3:30 PM


It has come to my attention that Thanksgiving Point will be hosting a PGA tournament event at the end of this month.  I live at Thanksgiving Village, a housing development that overlooks the golf course and recently we (the HOA) was notified (1 of only 3 residents who was notified in a community of hundreds of homes)  that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints purchased or was given the land where the driving range sits and is planning on building 2 x 120,000 square feet office buildings where the driving range now sits. 

I wanted to make you aware that the a number of the HOA's in the surrounding community are EXTREMELY upset at this new development and we will become a very outspoken voice in our attempts to keep the integrity of the course as it sits today (meaning no new office buildings). 

The Church decided it did not need to consult the several thousand residents who live in the area of their plan to build these two new buildings.  These buildings WILL impact the safety, health and welfare of all residents who live, work and visit the Thanksgiving Point area. 

At the last Lehi planning commission meeting I was able to mobilize 75 very angry residents (within 1 day) who certainly made their voices heard and delayed the concept proposal approval.  This is just the beginning.  We are meeting and developing a grass roots organization that will contact every single local, state and federal governmental agency, local, state and national press and committee's that will monitor every single aspect of this transaction.

We have a very simple goal, keep the integrity of the golf course as it exist today. 

At the upcoming PGA event I plan to encourage people to make signs that say "Save our driving range" and have them walk the streets, neighborhoods and sidewalks around the event.  This will garnish local and national attention and make this decision to alter the course at Thanksgiving Point an embarrassment to The Church and Thanksgiving Point.  Nobody in their right mind would look at the proposed plan put out by The Church and say, wow, what a great idea.

We have attorney's reviewing Chapter 28 of the Lehi City Code which outlines what can and can't be built in a resort community and I assure you, if these buildings are allowed to go ahead, we will make sure that the developer lives to the code and they better cross their T's and dot their I's because we will be looking very closely.

We will also looking to make sure that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints does not get any kind of preferential treatment just because they are a multi-billion dollar corporation which exerts its power and influence over those who do not have a very strong voice.

We are angry, upset and not thrilled to have purchased a home and paid a premium for our homes to live in a resort community and to have The Church come along and destroy the very nature of the golf course and the community and the value of our homes.

I can only imagine Johnny Miller is not a big fan of this and  he will not be thrilled to hear of this new development, what course designer would?

I will also be contacting the President of Zion Bank and let him know of our plan to protest the sale of the driving range.  I have already sent an email to the UGA and PGA and will continue sending letters and contacting people to let them know of this travesty.  No where in America could this happen but in Utah and by The Church.  Think about it a moment, what other course in America has a driving range been sold to put up 2 x 120,000 feet office buildings which changed the course layout?  Where else in America but Utah!

Why did the Ashton's give or sell this property to the Church?  I would like to have a discussion with the person or person's who made that decision to get their reasoning behind their decision to sell.  And why did the golf course at Thanksgiving Point go along with this?  I can't even imagine anyone at Vanguard thought this was a great idea.

I would love to meet with you and discuss this matter if you are open to visiting with me.

Bill Conley
801 867 7227

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