Monday, December 14, 2015

Email to R Woods and M Cummings, regarding ETHICS and the approval of a development by a Church where those deciding on the development are of the same religion

This email was sent to R Woods and M Cummings.  In this email I am suggesting that those that will be discussing any development project by the LDS Church reveal their LDS membership at any meeting. 

See my email below

Mon 8/3/2015 9:11 PM
August 3, 2015

To: Mr. Wood and Mr. Cummings

From:  Bill Conley

Subject:  Utah League of Cities and Towns, Powers and Duties regarding Ethics, pages 43 – 47 and Appendix K, page 224.

I have had a chance to review the Ethics section in the Utah League of Cities and Towns handbook and I have a couple of questions for you.

On page 43 in the first sentence it states, “All municipal officers and employees must abide by the Municipal Officers and Employees Ethics Act.” It goes on to say, “The stated purposes of this state law are to establish standards of conduct for municipal officers and employees and to REQUIRE A DISCLOSURE OF ACTUAL OR POTENTIAL CONFLICTS OF INTEREST BETWEEN PUBLIC DUTIES AND PERSONAL INTERESTS. “

On page 44, it states “An officer or employee must is REQUIRED to make a disclosure in writing and file it with the Mayor.” 
Do you know if this has been done with the officers and employees that work for and on behalf of the City of Lehi? If not, why not, isn’t this requirement?  

“A second REQUIRED DISCLOSURE IS ORAL AND MUST BE MADE IN AN OPEN MEETING TO the members of the body of which he is a member immediately before the discussion about the topic involved in the conflict of interest.”  

It goes on to state several conflicts of interest that MUST be disclosed, I will shed light on the personal conflict of interest. 

On page 45, first paragraph, it states; “The officer or employee should file the disclosure statement upon first getting elected or APPOINTED and again when there is a change in the nature of the conflict.”

You can continue to read the rest of the chapter, suffice it to say, has any employee or appointed official or elected official filed with the Mayor a disclosure of actual or potential conflict of interest?  

I would like to bring what I believe to be a gigantic personal conflict of interest on the part of numerous employees and appointed and or elected officials.  That conflict of interest is in their religious affiliation with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  I firmly believe that if an employee, elected official, the Mayor, a person on the Planning Commission, City Council, DRC, including Kim Struthers, Public works, City inspectors and Chief City inspector should NOT be able to make any decisions regarding the proposed Church project at Thanksgiving Point.  

I honestly believe after having conversations with a number of employees at the city that their religious convictions and personal belief in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints disqualifies them from being objective.  I believe that Kim Struthers and others who reviewed the plans set forth by VCBO Architecture could not possibly be objective if they are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I don’t believe they have filed a personal conflict of interest form with the Mayor and I don’t think they have revealed their personal conflict of interest as it relates to their membership in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  

I don’t believe that many of the employees who work for the city have disclosed a potential personal conflict of interest regarding their membership in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and submitted this to the Mayor.

I do not see how someone affiliated with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints can be objective on any issue regarding the Church.  

As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, I know all too well how ingrained the Church is in my life.  The shear mention of the Church to many members has them falling in line with whatever the Church tells them or what the Church wants to do.  In the eyes of most members of the Church, the Church can do no wrong and therefore, whatever the Church wants, the Church gets because the Church is not to be opposed at any level, ever. 

The chapter lays that a complaint can be filed and some of the remedies if a person has not fully complied with the law as set forth in the code.  

Where would I file an ethics complaint against an individual/’s?  Do I file this with the City, the State, the State Attorney General’s office, a panel of judges, a grand jury?  Do we have a merit system, an ethics commission?  

I have several more questions regarding potential conflicts of interest that I will save for later. As for now, I believe there have been several ethics violations regarding the approval of the FamilySearch Subdivision.  

Could you please provide a response to my letter.

Thank you

Bill Conley
2979 Desert Forest Lane, Lehi, UT 84043

801 867 7227  email

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