I have finally received a few of my GRAMA request back today, unfortunately, they are incomplete, invalid or missing a complete set of the required attachments. In this blog post I will take a look at three applications that were submitted to the city by either VCBO or TRIO, both architects for the LDS Church. I sent a email letter to Marilyn Banasky and cc'd Kim Struthers, Ryan Wood and Todd Munger.
There are numerous issues regarding the three applications I received, I outlined a few of the problems in the email letter I sent to Marilyn.
From: William Conley <billhytek@hotmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2016 1:15 PM
To: Marilyn Banasky; tjmunger@lehi-ut.gov; kstruthers@lehi-ut.gov; Ryan Wood
Subject: Re: GRAMA requests #48-59
MarilynSent: Tuesday, May 24, 2016 1:15 PM
To: Marilyn Banasky; tjmunger@lehi-ut.gov; kstruthers@lehi-ut.gov; Ryan Wood
Subject: Re: GRAMA requests #48-59
Thank you for sending me a few of the GRAMA request responses.
I just thought I would give you a little feedback from what you sent me.
The Application for Site Plan Approval, Application for Conditional Use Permit Approval and Application for Grading Permit are using outdated Lehi City Forms. It is clear from the code that when an applicant submits a application to the City they are required to use the most current forms available. All these applications are invalid. All of the applications have no stamped receipt date by the city along with numerous other problems.
The Application for Conditional Use Permit approval is not dated and has not been received by the city. There was no fee submitted with the application, no receipt number, no project name and none of the boxes have been checked in the Application Requirements. This is an invalid application. Anyone can create an application, however, it must be submitted on a current application form along with an application fee and ALL the application requirements boxes checked with the required submittals. This has not been done. This Application is invalid. This application has not been received by the city as evidenced by the fact that the For Office Use Only boxes are left blank. There is also no city receipt dated stamped on the application.
Question: Why is DRC reviewing a Conditional Use application that obviously has not been submitted to the city? Why was this allowed to be presented to the planning commission for approval on April 28th when it is obvious the applicant had not even filed it with the city? Even if it was filed with the city (which it clearly was not), it is not even filled in, why would the planning division staff at the city allow this to proceed without all the required submittals and recommend the planning commission approve to the conditional use application permit as submitted by Trio?
Comment: Can you believe that the Planning Division staff recommended granting final approval on this Conditional use permit submitted by TRIO (I am almost positive they did not submit this prior to the planning commission meeting. Who is running that Division, they should be fired! There is no way this application should have been submitted to the planning commission for approval, truly unbelievable.
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In my GRAMA request, this is the ONLY submittal given to me by the city which discusses parking. |
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My guess, TRIO did not even submit this application prior to the Planning Commission meeting. |
Question: Why wasn't the fee if paid recorded? Why is there no stamp date as to when the application was received by the city? Why would the planning division staff recommend approving an application which had not been properly received and properly recorded at the city? Why would the staff allow an incomplete application to proceed? I will have numerous other revelations at my appeal of this project.
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Notice the application submittal requirements is left blank! They didn't appear to pay the fee. |
Question: If VCBO knew they needed a grading permit last June, why didn't they apply for one prior to grading the property in May of this year? Why didn't VCBO apply for a grading application as required by Chapter 9 of the Lehi City Code? Even if this application were valid (which it is not and not even applicable for the current development), the Letter submitted by Jared K. Ford is no longer valid wholly inaccurate.
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Oops. Wrong project! Proves however VCBO knew they needed to submit a application for grading permit!!!! |
It is apparent from the few documents you have provided me that the City of Lehi has greased the skids for this project to be pushed along and approved while breaking numerous Lehi City Codes. Most egregious of all is the creation of the Family Search Plat in the dead of night by Todd Munger and Gary Smith (I suggest you read one of my latest blog post on this subject).
I am very excited to see the completed Preliminary and Final Application for Plat Approvals. Please make sure you provide me with the actual submissions from the applicant with stamped dates of receipt by the city.
If you know of GRAMA request that you are unable to provide me because the applicant has failed to provide the city the required documents, applications or submittals, please identify those GRAMA request. If I don't know you don't have the information, I may resubmit GRAMA request that I am waiting to get back from you and that would be a waste of time on your part and mine. So please let me know which GRAMA request you will not be able to answer.
Bill Conley
Comment: I will be able to prove the Family Search Plat was created illegally and the proposed building project on the Thanksgiving Point Driving Range should never have seen the light of day. I don't care how far I have to go in order to stop this project (all the way to the supreme court if necessary). The LDS Church and the City of Lehi are in cahoots with one another and I know I will be able to prove it. The truth about this case just keep pouring in. I can't wait until the Web.com event in July, I will be prepared to give the reporters plenty to talk about.
I have requested meetings with the Presiding Bishopric of the LDS Church, the mayor of Lehi - Bert Wilson, Todd Munger - Public Works, city of Lehi, Ryan Woods - Lehi City Attorney, Brent Roberts and Nathan Hale (had one meeting, now they don't want to meet), Wade Alred - Streets at the city of Lehi. No one will meet with me or call me back. I filed a report with the Lehi Police department regarding the grading and the police officer who took the report refuses to call me back. It appears that the city or the LDS Church is not interested in meeting with me even though I could provide them a solution to their HUGE problem which I believe they would be interested in hearing.
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