Sunday, May 1, 2016

Memorandum sent to the planning commission regarding a conditional use permit put forth by Trio on behalf of the LDS Church, meeting scheduled April 28, 2016

Key Points
The proposed commercial office building and LDS Stake Center at Thanksgiving Point CANNOT be developed as proposed for numerous reasons, a few of which are as Follow:
Chapter 28, section 28.060 (d) states:
“Developers and builders MUST comply with the Lehi City general plan, the Lehi City Development code and ALL other codes and ordinances of the city.”
I have contacted the Office of the Property Rights Ombudsman and requested an advisory opinion as to whether or not the City of Lehi, the applicants, Thanksgiving Point and Beesmark LLC are in compliance with All the codes and ordinances as required by the City of Lehi and Thanksgiving Point Architectural guidelines and if the applicant is contractually obligated to perform as written on a Special Warranty Deed they signed (this is a legal issue).
I have presented the Ombudsman with a 51 page brief which scrutinizes Lehi City Code and Thanksgiving Pt code and which clearly shows that the applicant have violated countless provisions in the code and is not following the spirit of the code and is not in compliance with either Lehi City or Thanksgiving Point.
The city, along with the applicant and Thanksgiving Pt will be sent a letter from the Ombudsman requesting a response to my inquiry.  Each of these entities will have a chance to respond to my stance that the applicant is not in compliance with numerous provisions of either the Lehi City Code or Thanksgiving Pt code.
Code violations (sample)
Here are just a few examples of the violations where the applicant is not in compliance (there are literally dozens).
Most of Chapter 28
Violation:  The proposed developments.  ALL of Lehi’s City codes as described in Chapter 28, governing Resort Communities, specifically……
Lehi Section 28.070
Which defines the following, Building Design, Parking, Access and Traffic, Roof Design, Materials, Signage and Lighting.
A few quick examples:
Violation:  Building Design:
The proposed development according to an 84 page document submitted to the city and accessible on the cities website titled, “Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions and Reservation of Easement for Thanksgiving Village – A Planned Unit Development”, clearly identifies the single family residents in Thanksgiving Village to be ADJACENT to the proposed development which would limit the buildings on the development to be 2 stories or 35’ in height.  Courts MOST assuredly uphold the FACT that Thanksgiving Village and those who live in single family homes are ADJACENT to the proposed development, stopping the development from being built as proposed.  A good hard look needs to take place at the city before they involve our city in a potential legal battle over this issue. A legal battle would cause the city, the developer and the person who files the lawsuit a great deal of time and money and put the development project  on hold indefinitely.
Violation:  Access and Traffic.
Lehi City code states: Direct access from an arterial or collector street to the office and professional services uses MUST be provide.  The access from the proposed development is Garden Drive which in ALL city maps, websites and masterplan is defined as a road and not a collector street or arterial.
In the application, engineering considers Garden Drive to be a collector street.  Engineering may consider it for the purpose of this development to be a collector street that does not make it a collector street.  Just saying it is a collector street does not make it a collector street, it needs to be defined as a collector street by Lehi City Code and shown as a collector street on ALL city maps and Master Transportation Plan.
A collector street as defined in Chapter 2 of the Lehi City Code section 2.02 states the following:
A.    ALL streets in an adjacent to the subdivision MUST CONFORM to the major street master plan of the city.
Lehi City Master Transportation Plan, adopted by the Lehi City Council on May 12, 2015 (less than a year ago) shows Garden Drive as a street (road).
Lehi City Street map, produced by Lehi City GIS, Jason Dewill, GIS Coordinator, August 26, 2016 shows Garden Drive as a Road.
      D.  Street width is to be measure from lot line to lot lines. The minimum width of streets according to the Lehi City Master Transportation Plan, unless otherwise expressly permitted by the CITY COUNCIL (not the city engineer), shall be measured as follows:
Street Type                                           Asphalt Width
Local Streets                                             34’
Minor collector streets                           38-44’
Major collector streets                            48’
Garden drive at its maximum point is 33’, 5’ short of the minimum requirement.  It does not even qualify as a street by code definition. To be a street it MUST be a minimum of 34’, Garden Drive at its maximum point is 33’. It certainly is disqualified from being a collector street for several different reasons.
The Lehi Master Transportation plan shows pictures of proposed typical street sections which it adopted on May 12, 2015.
Garden Drive does not resemble any of the proposed typical streets.
Other problems with attempting to consider Garden Drive a collector street.
Garden drive has a single dividing line, 1’ in width. 
Garden drive has no parking (red) for a large portion of the street.
Garden drive beyond Crooked Stick (Thanksgiving Village) speed limit is reduced from 35 to 25 until it hits 2150 N.
Garden drive at Crooked Stick begins entering a residential neighborhood.
There is NO white line delineation for parking or a bike lane as show in the Lehi Master Transportation Plan. White line delineation for parking or for a bike path or both MUST show on a collector street.
Garden Drive does not appear on any city map as a collector street. In the application put forth by VCBO for the commercial office building, Garden Drive was not defined as a collector street.
Mr. Powell for the purposes of this development can’t redefine Garden Drive as a collector. Garden Drive could never be a collector, it does not meet Lehi Master Transportation standards, it is not identified as a collector streets anywhere on a Lehi City map or city code or city website.
A violation of either of these provisions of the code would put the proposed development on hold until they come into compliance with Lehi City code exactly as it is written, word for word.
Roof design:
Kim Struthers in a DRC meeting said the following: “The resort community development standards state that flat roofs shall be avoided. Recommend considering additional architectural features to break up the roofline.”
To date, the roofline on the proposed commercial office development is FLAT. This is a violation of Lehi City Code.
Section 37.010 of the Lehi City Code Commercial Design Standards, Architectural Standards.
Violation: Currently, the Lehi Stake Center and Commercial office complex are not cohesive in building architecture, building materials, colors and do not coordinate as required by this section of the code. Merely looking at the proposed pictures of each building, one can see they in NO WAY coordinate with one another, neither are they harmonious and blend in with the surrounding architecture (single family residents and Thanksgiving Point club house) – another violation of Lehi City Code.
Traffic Study and Parking:
A major flaw was revealed in the traffic study and parking analysis commissioned by the applicant; namely, they did not provide a single parking stall or account for a single car coming to and from the Family Search and Discovery Center, an 8000+ square foot proposed use within the commercial office building.  In an earlier meeting the applicant touted how wonderful the NEW Family Search and Discovery Center would be.  They mentioned that between 500 and 1500 hundred people would be visiting the center each and every day. Problem with this as we look at Lehi City Code and Thanksgiving Pt code is that fact that they do not take into account a single car coming or going or parking at this beacon on the hill discovery center. We were told people from throughout the Mountain States would make a pilgrimage to this center, that busloads of people would make their way to this center and spends days doing genealogy research. 
Big Problem, the applicant failed to account for a single car going or going to this center, they failed to account for a single parking stall for this center, they failed to provide any bus or RV parking which certainly would be a requirement for those traveling long distances and spending days at the center.
Violation: Bottom line on traffic and parking
Parking does not meet either Thanksgiving Pt or Lehi City code even if you take the shared parking code into account. Secondly, traffic which is already at an F level as revealed by the study will only get worse.
In conclusion:
This project is not in compliance with either Lehi City Code or Thanksgiving Pt code.  
Neither applicant has received approval by the TPARC. (This reason alone should disqualify this project from receiving approval from the Lehi city planning commission)
The applicant (s) have both failed to meet Thanksgiving Points  architectural guidelines.
3. Guideline enforcement
“ALL new land users are REQUIRED to have APPROVAL for their desired use and design for the property from the DCC prior to submitting for a city building permit. Any changes in existing portions of the development, including any structure, area or item described within these guidelines, MUST also receive approval from the DCC.
The applicant has not received approval for either the commercial project or the LDS Stake Center (conditional use).
The applicant fails to meet the code standards set by Thanksgiving Point in the following areas;  Building Setbacks, Parking Lot Setbacks, Parking lot standards, Landscape ratio, Building Height, Roofing, Trees, Steetscape and parking area, Off Street parking.
By the way, the Thanksgiving Point map for the resort community defines Garden Drive as a street.
It is a bit premature to be approving a project that has not been approved by Thanksgiving Point and where the project Lehi City code adherence is in question.  Approving this project will only lead to an appeal and future lawsuit.  Better that the planning commission ask the applicant to wait for Thanksgiving Point approval and demonstrate to the City that they are in 100% compliance with EVERY LEHI CITY CODE EXACTLY AS IT IS WRITTEN. Right now they ARE NOT.

In fact there are so many violations to the code that it took me 51 pages to briefly identify them and I am certain I have missed many others. 
Utah League of Cities and Towns handbook which is regarded as similar to the bible on how cities and towns conduct business states the following in their ethics section:
Page 43, The Municipal Officers and employee’s ethics act sets up a disclosure system for conflicts of interest.
Two types of disclosures may be required, written and oral.  Oral conflicts of interest must be made in an open meeting to the members of the body which he is a member immediately before the discussion about the topic involved in the conflict of interest. 
It goes on to say, the following must be disclosed.
I have requested and received personal conflict of interest forms in which there is not a single individual has indicated they have a personal conflict of interest with the applicant’s organization even though they are a member of that organization.
Violation:  City employees (DRC), those appointed by the city (planning commission) and those elected to the city (city council, mayor) have a responsibility to disclose in writing and in an open air meeting their membership status on any project presented to the city involving the organization in which they are a member. To date, these individuals see fit to violate the Employee’s ethics act as they are required to disclose ALL personal conflicts of interest including their membership in an organization where they are reviewing and approving applications and building permits. 
I have requested 50 GRAMMA request and am waiting for answers to each and every one of them. I am certain the information I have requested will show multiple other violations of the code.
This project needs to be put on hold and the conditional use planning commission meeting (by Trio Design) scheduled for Thursday needs to canceled until the applicants come into compliance with the code, the applicant has received written approval by TPARC (which they have not) and the city and Thanksgiving Pt need to hold the applicant accountable for each and every word exactly as it is written within the code, without exception.  The responsibility of those who work for the city and who are elected or appointed to city government MUST put the residents of the city of Lehi first and protect our safety, health and welfare before the desires of an outside applicant who only has their best interest in mind.
Additional problem with the application
The application submitted by the applicant references Section 09-050 (b), this is incorrect, the proper reference for the code that they described in their narrative is 09-060 (a)
The applicant reference Lehi City code but does not include a narrative as proof that they are in compliance. Simply referencing the code without providing proof you are in compliance does not mean have met the code, it simply means you referenced the code in the application.  I will provide FACTUAL evidence that the applicant has not followed Lehi City or Thanksgiving Point code EXACTLY as it is written, WORD FOR WORD.
In the Analysis section it states, “As per Section 28.070 from the development code, building architectural design, construction materials and color palate must tie into surrounding buildings.  The following analysis is STAFF’S INTREPRETATION of how that section is being met.
This is merely staff’s interpretation (opinion).  This does not mean that it is factual, just an opinion.  I will be able to provide FACTUAL evidence of major violations to the Lehi City and Thanksgiving Pt code which is not my opinion, but FACTUAL.
This project needs to be put on hold until the applicant comes into compliance with ALL LEHI CITY AND THANKSGIVING PT CODE AND ORDINANCES.
Section 09.020 Application Requirements reads as follows:
A.           Application. All requests for a Conditional Use permit shall be made on the application form provided by the city and shall detail the nature of the conditional use request.
B.           Documentation.  Along with its application, the applicant shall ALSO provide any documentation in support of the prosed conditional use, including the information contemplated by Chapter 11 of this code for the submission and review of a plat or site plan, whichever is applicable.
C.            Submission. Completed applications, along with supporting documentation, shall be submitted to the Planning Department. The Planning Department shall ensure that the application and supporting documentation are complete before forwarding the application to the reviewing departments. The reviewing departments shall review the application and corresponding supporting documentation and shall provide reports, comments and recommendations to the commission. If the reviewing departments determine that more information is needed from the applicant before the reviewing departments can provide reports, comments and recommendations to the commission, the applicant shall be notified to provide any such required additional information.
Comment:  There was a single DRC meeting 3/24/2016 which lasted a total of 30 minutes. Prior to this meeting, the planning department should have already reviewed ALL the supporting documents and made sure they were accurate and complete before they forwarded them on to the reviewing departments.  There is no evidence supporting this! The reviewing departments shall review the application and corresponding documentation and provide REPORTS, COMMENTS and RECOMMENDATIONS to the commission.  There is no evidence that there are any reports created by the reviewing departments.  In fact in the single DRC meeting, Glade, Todd, Gary, Mike, Ross, and Craig had no comments, no reports, no recommendations. Six of the 9 DRC members failed to even comment in the 30 minute meeting.
Planning commissioners:  Have you seen a copy of the completed application? Have you seen any reports or supporting documents supporting the applicants request for a conditional use permit?  Have you seen an approval letter from Thanksgiving Point Architectural Review Committee indicating that this project meets ALL Thanksgiving Point codes and ordinances? Have you seen a written statement produced by the two architects showing that the two buildings are architecturally compatible as required in Section 37.010 of Lehi City Code? DRC redline comments state: “Staff encourages the Developer to match the building materials of the church with those of the phase 1 Family Search Building”, they further state, “this item is still pending completion.”
So why are we even considering approving a project that is not close to being ready to be approved.  There are way too many lose ends for this project to even come before the planning commission.
The planning commissions only choice is to table this approval process for another day.
Section 09.040 Granting/Denial of Application, in part says the following.
“The commission may require the applicant to return at a continued public hearing to provide additional information before the commission renders its final decision.”
The commission has the right to grant a conditional use permit, deny a conditional use permit or request the applicant provide additional information.
I request that you ask the applicant to provide additional information that supports the conditional use permit. I request you require the applicant to be in 100% compliance to Lehi City and Thanksgiving Point codes and ordinances. I request you wait to approve until you have approval from Thanksgiving Point that they have met their code. I request you wait to approve the application until several legal issues are ferreted out with Ryan Woods. I suggest you wait to approve DRC, the applicant and Thanksgiving Point have had time to present a 100% iron clad application without blemish. Currently this application is far from complete.
Thank you for your time and attention to this matter
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Bill Conley
801 867 7227

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